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All I want is nothing more // Than to hear you knocking at my door

He was supposed to be immortal. That's what he had always said. The big, bad, immortal hybrid that no one could kill.

Rebekah Mikaelson didn't even recognize her brother on that bed. He was barely moving, lips puffed up in the bitter frown that he always had; even in his peaceful sleep.

His skin was changing color, almost graying as he aged. The witch's curse was killing him, slowly but surely, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

In a blind rage, she flew out of the room, knocking a table down, and shattering the priceless objects that fell off of it. Nik wasn't supposed to die! He was her big brother, and no matter how many ups and downs they had, she loved him. She would love him always, and the fact that he wouldn't be there forever, like he promised, nearly killed her.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she ripped a vase off the table. Her arm reared back to throw it across the room.

"Rebekah?" she heard a weak voice call out, and she rushed back into Klaus's room. She would be there until his final moments, and it didn't surprise her that her other brothers were there as well.

All but Finn.

Kol was pacing the other side of the room, fuming. Elijah was in the seat next to Klaus's bed, his head in his hands, looking almost as if he was praying.

When Klaus's voice rang out through the room, everyone looked up. Kol rushed to the other side of Elijah, and Rebekah stood across from them.

"Yes, Nik?" she asked quietly, as if speaking any louder would disturb the quiet atmosphere.

He let out a shaky breath, the action seemingly difficult for him. A small smile formed on his lips. "Would you do something for me, Rebekah?" he asked softly.

She exchanged a concerned look with Elijah, but smiled anyways, trying to keep up the strong mask around her dying, big brother. "Anything, Nik."

"Could you..." He gripped he hand tightly, bright blue eyes pleading with her. "Could you contact Caroline for me?"

A silence fell, the words not quite being what Rebekah was expecting. She had been under the impression that Klaus had moved on from Miss Mystic Falls to the blonde human in New Orleans–Camille. But apparently her guess was wrong.

Though reluctant to reunited with her former energy, she was willing to do pretty much anything for Klaus. And if his dying wish was to see the girl who he was obsessively in love with less than two years ago, so be it.

"Of course," she promised. "Give me a day, hold out that long Nik, and Caroline will be standing at the foot of your bed."

Her brother nodded, giving her a bright smile. She was surprised by how much the whiteness and glee of his grin contrasted off his pale, veiny skin.

She squeezed his hand once, before turning around to go make a phone call. She knew Nik could hear her, all of her brothers obviously could with their advanced hearing.

She listened to Elijah and Kol soothe Nik as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"It's going to be okay, Nik," they promised. "We're going to save you, we're not going to let you die."

And though the persuasion in their voice was enough to make even the wisest souls believe the words, they all knew there wasn't any hope.

With a sniff, she closed her eyes, holding the phone to her ear, waiting for Caroline to answer.

All I Want ➸ Klaroline Where stories live. Discover now