03 | Serendipity

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The rest of the day dragged on after your minor encounter with the redhead, as you hurriedly returned to your seat, drowning in relief because conflicts hadn't transpired from the incident

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The rest of the day dragged on after your minor encounter with the redhead, as you hurriedly returned to your seat, drowning in relief because conflicts hadn't transpired from the incident.

Koro-sensei began his eternally entertaining rambles of speech, providing a decent lesson all the same. He wasn't as pretentious as one would expect from his misleading appearance, in fact, in less than a day, you deemed him just as qualified to teach as any of the other educators you've had during your time at Kunugigaoka, if not better.

Your thoughts occasionally drifted off to various topics, such as worries about your grades, friendships, and last, but not least, Karma Akabane.

Inexorably, there was a wavering trepidation from the jeopardy that came with having the infamous boy in your class. In all honesty, you've never seen him in action, and was solely fed with the rumors that circulated around him-- rumors that you undeniably believed to be true. Besides, the only firm piece of information you had was of his suspension; that was more than enough for your fright to rise.

The consternation solidified once Karma made his move-- a trick resulting in the first injury to the yellow octopus. It was to be expected, taking his violent behavior into account, though you couldn't help but to stare in awe, as did the rest of E Class. It was something as simple as taping cut-up fragments of an anti-sensei knife on the palm of his hand, which you secretly found rather crafty and admirable for his effort, even if you were mortified of his potential.


Momentarily, the bell of dismissal sounded, followed by students graciously waving goodbye as they politely left the tattered building of 3-E. Noticeably, Karma was among the first to leave, already appearing bored-- what was he in such a rush for? Nonetheless, you were about to do the same, quickly shoving your textbooks and writing implements into your default schoolbag to catch up with everyone else.

By the time you reached the bottom of the mountain route to the E Class' facility, you were already lightly sweating. The sun had made its grand entrance after a day of morose clouds, its bright beams bringing a soft smile to your tilting lips. The weather generally impacted moods, after all.

"Hey, [Name]-chan!"

Kaede Kayano energetically ran after you with a welcoming grin and greeting with her small stature, shadowed by Nagisa Shiota, who awkwardly smiled in response as you shifted your head to face them. You couldn't help but to wonder why the duo called for your presence.

"Oh! Kaede-san, Nagisa-san... Hello!" You politely bowed, returning the optimism. "Do you need anything?"

"Ah, well, um... Kayano-chan wanted to head out for ice cream, and we wanted to invite you, [Name]-san. Is that alright?" Nagisa pitched in, and although his expression spelled out friendliness, his eyes appeared rather calm and calculating as he observed your features.

You pondered at the offer. Just hours before, you had the intention of befriending these two in particular from their interestingly unique personas, and now, they were conveniently inviting you to hang out. There wasn't much of a reason to decline, though you thought about the homework you had, and the goal of catching up and graduating from 3-E.

"It does sound good, but, I'm just slightly concerned about homework, you see..." You verbally voiced out your thoughts, hoping for an opinion regarding the matter.

"Don't worry, [Name]-chan! That shouldn't be an issue. It won't take very long to enjoy some ice cream in the heat, and besides, it's getting warmer! It's only our first day, and we still have plenty of time. How about it?" The green-haired girl was quick to soothe your concerns.

At this point, you couldn't refuse. They were awfully kind, and you felt as though you'd get along with them perfectly fine. "Alright. Thanks, Kaede-san, Nagisa-san. Lead the way!"

"Yes! I wanted to befriend someone with a small bust, so I don't have to feel bad about my B-cup. Success! Putting it simply, you were the perfect candidate!" Kaede was awfully blunt, her complex with sizes being evident as you sweatdropped, nervously scratching your cheek. Still, you had faith that she was going to be a good friend with her jokes.


The journey towards the local ice cream parlor wasn't too far, the company of your two classmates being quite relaxing as you ambled on the concrete sidewalk, congregations of busy cars rowdily roaring by. You didn't have regrets tagging along, figuring that your parents wouldn't have minded, and were flexible as long as you did your homework and proved results.

As you stepped into the shop with your comrades, you scanned the room for flavors. It was a while since you'd had ice cream, the breezy air conditioning and cool aroma fueling your sudden craving.

Instead of looking for frozen delights, however, your eyes landed on a certain troublemaker with flaming red streaks standing in line. Was it serendipitous that he happened to be there? Not yet. Your heart sank, not entirely comfortable with the misbehaved male. He hastily disappeared from school-grounds just to eat ice cream.

"Eh? What a coincidence! Looks like he's here, too." Kaede immediately commented, only to be interrupted by the blue-haired boy's shout.



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