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"Ah, it's [Name]-san~"

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"Ah, it's [Name]-san~"

The redhead's devious, singsong voice pleasantly chimed through the air in resonance. It appeared that he was just as negligent as you last saw him, distinctively as lax as always with his naturally blasé ambience, all whilst adorned by his typically distinctive white button-up and black blazer.

It went without saying that the octopus certainly wasn't too pleased with his late attendance, though the very fact that he bothered to appear was a sudden improvement.

You were at least relieved that he presumably came for the sake of receiving an education, acknowledging his presence with an awkward smile and a subtle nod. Admittedly, you were bemused by him approaching you first, of all the people in the class, when there were so many others to pay heed to-- including Koro-sensei, Nagisa, and Kaede.

Concurrently, the tethers of deadlines and responsibilities weighed you down, especially when Sumire was patiently waiting for the rest of your cooperation. Involving yourself with the matters of Karma Akabane ceased to show within the bounds of your jotted agenda for the period, principally when you assumed that he'd pull off another no-show at the lack of manifestation earlier that morning.

The options altered, and a new whirl of red found itself loitering in your itinerary to be dealt with. Candidly, it was both inspiriting and intimidating, but regardless, you found yourself eventually mustering the valor for a greeting, albeit hesitantly.

"Right, um... Good morning, Karma-kun." Your shoulders immediately stiffened at the sight of his hues flecked with mercury and gold. Facing his presence alone was just part of the ineffably intricate helix of friendship laced with fear; the vortex sometimes spiked with solace, and others quite the opposite.

Nagisa and Kaede, among the other students, deserved admiration-- recognition, even-- for their abilities to handle the redheaded truant. When given the opportunity, it was preferable that they proceeded with the speaking instead, and even now, you almost hoped for Sumire to magically intervene.

You were almost certain that this applied to nobody, except for him.

It was a tacit ambition for your comfort levels to reach theirs someday. You were fully aware that the muses prior to that, concerning the safety of Karma, were hypocritical if you failed to take action when he was already conveniently situated before you.

He hummed, slathering the same beam with his lips, "Likewise, [Name]-san." It seemed like he held no regard for consequences, and at this point, it may as well been expected.

Rigidly standing in place, your floury fingers idly curled against the hem of the stitched apron hanging from your neck, unintentionally leaving white puffs of powder etched on the otherwise unblemished surface as a means of easing your thoughts.

It was then when you finally recalled the two cylinders in both of his hands, otherwise known as the unaccounted fast food cups. Your gaze averted to the contemporary paper chalices, before a quizzical look warped your features.

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