Chapter 1

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(Y/N)' POV:
I was an emotionless person.....after my family died.....I was never the girl I used to be.......after my parents died.....the government took me in and raised me to be an assasin.....until one assasin family took me in and now I consider them as my new family, I woke up from a normal day, oh almost forgot the mission, defeat the octopus-alien creature, as the E class students call him, Koro~sensei.

I go up the mountain headed to the E class campus, I didnt get tired climbing up the mountain cause im immune to this, I've been in worse, I go up the mountain to see an overrun building, it looks like it was about to break, I step inside to hear a class going on inside the room, I walked towards it when I saw a man with jet black hair and I belive he was an assassin name karasuma "Hello, you must be a new student, I'm Kara-"

Before I could let him finish I cut him off " Your Karasuma, an assassin" I said his eyes widen and was shocked that i knew his name, "I'm (y/n), (f/n) (l/n)" I said, "Hmmmm....your name is very familliar..........oh well....I'll lead you to the E class" he said he walked with me going there.

" do I explain have to ki-" I cut him off again " I have to kill this creature who is a teacher who destroyed out moon, we have until march to assassinate him correct?" I said clamly as if I was talking like its normal, he just stopped up his tracks and just stood in shock "h-how did you know?" He asked.

"well....lets just say im an assassin" I said "THATS WHY YOUR NAME IS SO FAMLLIAR!" He said so we went to the classroom karasuma went in first I saw him whispering with the alien....or should I say koro~sensei "Ok class we will have a new student today, she is outside this classroom" he said.

"Come in now dont be shy," he said and as he said that karasuma went out "karasuma, did you tell him i was an assasin?" I whispered to him "no" was his reply.

He then left me and went to the faculty room "Come in now" he said, I came in the classroom to see everyone looking at me "Why dont you introduce yourself" the alien said I took a deep breath and did the most happiest voice i can "hi everybody, I'm (y/n), (f/n) (l/n) its a pleasure to meet all of you!" I said as sweet as possible "ok (y/n)-chan! You will be sitting next to karma-kun" he said and i saw a red head wave his hand bored.

Huh, jusy like me inside....bored and emotionless "oh wait Koro~sensei before i sit i have a gift" I said he looked at me before I got my hand in my bag a gun filled with anti-me bullets he easily doged them 'YES! JUST EXATLY I WANTED HIM TO BE!!!" I said to myself then my bracelet on my right hand transformed into a katana which I made out of anti-me bullets I swung at him and he wasn't able to doge and U cut off 3 tentacles "ugh, I have to work more on mobile comabat attacks....." i said then i realized that i was in a classroom i looked at the students to see them in shock

And i mean all of them, "oh, i forgot i was in a classroom, ok let get class started then!" I said and went to me seat i sat down as if nothing just happened everyone looked back at koro~sensei qho was at shock while regenerating

Then i realized i was still holding my katana and so i let it transform into a bracelet again "ok class, time to get back to our lesson! (y/n)-chan, were glad your here!" He said as if nothing happened then my classmates calmed down and went on with the lesson

*ring ring ring*

Theres goes the bell signalling it was lunch time everyone was either outside or inside eating i just hid in a dark space that separtes the shed and the school, i was eating peacefully "hey what are you doing eating here?" Someone asked i look u to see a red head, karma "what do you want?" I ask as harsh as possible karma's eyes widen a bit but turn calmer

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