Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV:
Everything was black it felt like i just left reality then i slowly flutter my eyes open to find a white ceiling i sat down at the  bed and looked around trying to figure out where i am, i think im at the clinic in the government again.......damn.......what happened last night?

Then it hit me as if a big wave pounded at me, i was fighting with the person who tried to rape me........what was his name again? Oh, his name is raz.....then karma came in and tried to save me......heh......stupid bitches......they know they cant fight like assasins do....i mean sure they have some assasination skills but it takes more than that to do it.......

I hear footsteps coming towards the room then the door opened slowly reavealing a nurse....but he isnt any nurse....he is my healty and safety guard....he has to help me when im hurt and he has to guard me when im in danger.......his name is......robin

"Oh, (y/n) your awake! Good oh, and here is your medicine for the day.....he-" he says i cut him off " dont need to do not a kid.......and honestly the medicines tastes weird!" I say

"uhhhh......fine just make sure your ok, i will always monitor you to know your health, so come here at least 1 every 1 month ok?" He says like an actual doctor "" i say he gets offended and we just laugh it off in the end

As we were laughing i hear footsteps coming towards the room then the door open and i see my father....well not my real father.....he was the one who adopted me he was an assassin with my mom.....they adopted me wanting a child once they found Out i was an assassin and adopted me, and we started becoming a family

"(Y/N), what hapened to you? I heard that you were injured, what happened?" My dad said wanting an asnwer so badly "well........the guy who tried to rape me......7 years ago.....when my family died.......his name is raz......he attacked me....." i said

"Well, at least your safe now, we better get you back to assassinating koro~sensei" he said i went out of bed and i looked at the time and i have at least 2 hours to get to school i change to my clothes and walk to the E-class i head to the mountain to be mocked by a bunch of students but i ignored it

But.......i have this weird feeling someone us watching dosent feel like an feels like its one if the students

Asano's pov
I walk up to the school as usual, i try to go to school early because i might need to do paper work,i am an example of the school after all i go to school to see a oerson being mocked at, i look more closer to see that same girl that was crying yesterday.....normaly i would join the fun and  mock the E-class student but something is stoping me from doing it.....i dont know why

I honestly feel bad for her.....but i dont gang up on her or i dont defend in result......i just stare at her being mocked by students but she didnt seem to care at all she just continued walking to the mountain

I go to the school campus 'why didnt i mock her? Why didnt i defend her? I dont know why i didnt do either........why?' I say in my mind as i walk to my classroom and so class begun

(Y/N)'s POV:
i go to the mountainand everyone is glaring at me......why? Are they still mad at me for trying to kill koro~sensei? Do they even know what assassination is? I go the mountain not talking to anyone, i figured if i did everyone wouldnt care

I go to the rundown building and go the E-class classroom i sit down my desk, theres nothing for me to really do, i guess i can fill in my profile for another mission, i guess thats okay, i take out the paper at my bag and start filling it in

"I cant belive (y/n) would try to kill koro~sensei after everything he has done for her" i hear someone whisper i just ignore everyone and start filling in other paper work

I finished and i placed them all in my bag and all of a sudden my phone starts to beep signalling i have a message, i take out my phone to see my dad texted me

Dad: how did the mission go?

Me: well......all my "classmates" keeps on glaring at me for trying to kill koro~sensei

Dad: oh, dont mind them.........(y/n) they are just not yet ready to face the reality of assassination, hey look at you, at least you have experience

Me: i guess your right dad......

Dad: just dont talk to them, they will only distract you

Me: okay dad

Dad: thats my girl

*ring ring ring*

Me: the bell just rung im gonna be going now, i love you <3

Dad: love you too sweetie! Now go assassinate koro~sensei!


And with that i put my phone down and get my weapons ready to assassinate koro~sensei "koro~sensei's late than usual, huh, i wonder why......" rio said to kayano, I KNOW I CAN ASSASSINATE HIM BY SURPRISE! i go near the door only to be held in the wrist i turn around to see nagisa i glance over my classmates to see them in an angry state

"Please.....dont kill him....." he says begging me "i have to, just get out the way" i say angrily but he just grips my arm tightly and just by that i got angry i had to bracelets at my hands one that turns into an anti-me katana and the other with a real one

I realized this and decided to get the real one i made it transform and it looks like nagisa is shocked and scared i pull the katana closer to his face "dont ever get in my way again!" I say as harshly as i can "(Y/N)! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I look behind to see koro~sensei behind me i pull out the katana and it transformed to its bracelet form "see nagisa why do you always get in my way? See i didnt even assassinate koro~sensei!" I say frustrated

I stormed to my seat and sat down "ok class since (y/n) wants to assassinate me and nagisa does not want to, lets have a battle! (Y/N) vrs NAGISA! If (y/n) wins then she is more capable of killing me and if nagisa wins then he is more capable of saving me, deal?" Koro~sensei said

"ok" nagisa says glaring at me "this will be a leice of cake! I had experience" i said

"I dont know (y/n), nagisa has a few tricks up his sleve" kayani says to me "well, i have some on my own" i say and with that we leave for the fight.



anyway hope u guyz enjoy so please follow me :3

                                    Mika out✌

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