Chapter 22

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(Y/n)'s POV:
I felt like i was drowning.....everything was surrounded by darkness, i didnt know how i got here....or who i even am.......

I was drowning on a dark sea, and then i saw a light from a distance, i tried to reach to it but i could'nt

At first i couldnt remeber a big wave, all my memories came at me,

And then the sea and the light started to disapear and to reveal a white ceiling and and a beeping at my right, i look over to my right to see a heart monitor beeping at a steady rythm....

And i look around to see all my classmates looking at me worried, "hey (y/n).....your awake!" Kayano said cheerfully with a smile

Once everyone heard that, they all came to look at me and gathered on my hospital bed

"We were so worried!!" "What happened?!" "Are you ok?!" They all asked, it so heart warming that these people actually cared for me.....and looked put for me....

"I-im f-fine...." i say weakly "we'll give you time to rest?" Rio said as sh gestures everyone to go out of the room, and the only people left were karma and asano

The two of them came to me and looked at me, "hi (y/n).....glad your akwake..." Karma said with a sincere smile

"(Y/n) im glad your okay...." asano said with a smile

I smile back "how long was i out for...." I ask "you were out for two days...." Karma said as he looked down like he was thinking about something

"I guess that's good to know..." i say with a smile, they both smile at me and then a knock was heard on the door, the door opened to reveal robin

"(Y/n), glad your awake...." robin smiled and i smiled back

"You two can go now, i'll look after her from here" robin said

Asano and karma nodded and went out the hospital room i was in

"(Y/n), please, you know your condition..........dont do that again, you know what will happen if yo-" Robin tried to say but i cut him off

"I know, i know, its just that i cant help it, i like being an assassin and i want to be good at mu job, giving justice to this cruel world and making it better again...." i said qith sincere, robin sighed and smiled

"Alright then, you'll be discharged from here later, please consider your life" robin said as he sat down next to me

Well, im gonna die anyway...i cant help but just smile....


.......hi.....ehehehhe.....i know its been like over a week now and i havent just lazy....ehehehehhee....


                        Mika out

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