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Konan's P.ov.

I was getting ready to leave like any other weekend for my trip it wouldn't take too long since we were surprisingly close to my destination. I just had to make sure that no one would follow me there. I didn't bother to put on much make-up since I knew it wouldn't matter right now.

I put on my cloak and walked out of my room, I could hear the rukus of the others, currently no one had any missions. I didn't know what pein was planning right now, but apparently everyone has to be here.

I sighed thinking about him and kept walking down the hallway, I then made it to the room where everyone was. My face was blank as always and I just stared at them for a moment. I looked at each of them, only itachi noticing me.

i nod at him in greeting and then turn and leave the room, once I make it to the exit that was underground I climbed up the steps listening if anyone was following me. I opend up the floor and got out before putting it back where it was.

I then started in the direction of my destination and just walked.

Kurenai's P.O.V.

I got ready for my meeting and smiled to myself I was excited to see her again even though I saw her a week ago. I wanted us both to leave to someplace together, but she had always refused. She said she needed to stay with Pein.

Sometimes I got the idea that she loved him moore than me, I can understand though. They've been together for all their lives and all the pain that they had went through. I sighed and looked down.

I wish that didn't happen to her, but then maybe we would have never met and she wouldn't be the same that she is now, and I love the way she is.

He short blue hair and her bright beautiful eyes, I smile just thinking about her. I looked up at the ticking clock and realized it was finally time for me to go. I got up slightly giddy knowing it wouldn't take long to see her.

I don't want it to look like I rushed there but I might just have to. I opened my door ready to walk out but came face to face with asuma. "Hey kurenai." He said putting the hand he was going to knock on my door behind and scratched his neck.

I wasn't shocked to see him, he came here sometimes, it was a bit annoying really and even more so now since I was in a rush to leave. "Hey asuma." I said walking out of my apartment and locked the door.

I was trying to make it clear that I was leaving and didn't have time and I guess he didn't get the hint since he asked, "Are you going anywhere?"

I sighed and looked at him, "I am." I told him and crossed my arms. I then noticed that there were flowers in his hand and I guess he noticed me staring.

"Oh yes, uhh thses are for you." He held them out for me, I smiled at him not wanting to be too impolite and took them with a 'Thank you.'

"I was also wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime." Asuma said playing with his thumb looking at me. I breathed in deeply and slowly let it out.

"It's nice of you to ask and everything, but I really can't." I'm currently seeing someone." I told him the truth and gave him the flowers back and started to walk away.

He grabbed my arm before I was out of reach and stared at me a bit flabbergasted. "Who is it?" He asked me. I glared slightly at his persistance. I wanted to go see konan,.

"None of your business." I told him pulling my arm from him and left. I looked at my watch and saw that I was going to be late. I closed my eyes still walking and then opened them so I wouldn't bump into anyone as I walked.

The streets were crowded as always with happy and cheerful people. I smiled at a lot of people and waved at others. If only Konan could live here with me and I can't betray my village and join the akatsuki.

I made it out of the village and started running towrds my destination. We always met near a river that seemed to always sparkle with it's bright blue waters. It took me a few minutes but I made it there.

I saw konan sitting next to the river staring out into the distance. I walked up and hugged her from behind. She jumped slightly and sighed out, "You're late."

I nodded and kissed her neck, "I know, and I'm sorry I got held up." I told her truthfully hugging her tighter.

"I won't be able to come and visit for awhile since I need to go on a mission." She tells me.

"Hoe long do you think you're going to be?" I asked her still kissing her neck lightly.

"I'm not sure, but I'll miss you." She said and I could tell that she was blushing. She was always easy to blush around me and I didn't mind it at all I always though it was cute.

I chuckled lightly and kissed her cheek. "I love you." I told her honestly and then felt a sharp pain in my back and gasped loudly and shut my eyes tears forming.

"Whaaaa?" I tried to say but it was too painful and closed my eyes tighter.

"I never knew you would be with the akatsuki." I heard a familiar voice say.

No.... It couldn't be... I thought to myself and opened my eyes and turned my head.

I gasped and my arms lossened around konan, she turned around quickly and started saying sweet words to me.

"If I can't have you no one can." Asuma chuckled. I saw konans face as she started kissing me all over the face tears streaming down from her eys. "I love you, I love you, I love you...." She kept saying again and again as well as telling me I was fine.

"I love you too." I said as we shared one last kiss my eyes closing forever. I felt myself on the ground and then heard a scream as konana probably killed him.

'I love you konan was my last thought.'

Konan's P.O.V

Tears were streaming down my face as I looked back at kurenai. I was planning to tell her I would leave with her. It disn't seem like the akatsuki would nee me anymore and I was ready to.

I loved her so much. I picked her up gently and kissed her fore head, she was already starting to get cold. I wased until I made it to the meadow of flowers that we would sometimes visit and put her down.

I laid down and put my head on her shoulder tears still pouring. It was almost like old times except she was cold now.

I love her so much.

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