Battle Scars

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After couple months, Larry and salt decided to move into a house. They just bought a doll house on ebay and had it delivered here. "Dis where we live, salt. We live happeh here. And hopefully hooman and doggo don't come." he put salt in the doll house, it smelled like plastic........... it was perfect...... except for the fact that Larry couldn't even fit in the stair. BUT IT WAS PERFECT.

Doggo come and lick Larry again. "BABY, SALT, RUN, ISH DE HOOMANS DOGGO!!!!! PLZ! SAVE YOUSE;F!!!" Larry sacrificed some of his life for salt.

Salt hid under the stair case cause shit there was no where else to hide.

But Larry survived....

And he had the licks to prove it.....

Larry x SaltDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora