He Finds you Asleep

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The song is Nightcore Partners in Crime. The picture is well you'll get it if you've read Sevens story. It didn't hit me hard because I was dumb and did Seven first but it did with my friends and man, it was pretty funny. They flipped out XD Any who~  let's get on with this scenario!


"(Y/N)! I'm back!!" Seven walked through the door to his house. He left to go rent a movie that you guys were going to watch together. You were lazy and decided to stay.

Seven looks around and finds you asleep on his couch. "Aaaaawww!! So cute!!!" He says as he runs over to you and takes pictures of you.

You groan and turn in your sleep. Seven stops and stares at you. He then smacks his face. "Okay Seven stop being creepy!" He goes and grabs a blanket and gets on the couch with you snuggling you. "Looks like we can watch the movie when we both wake up." He smiles and kisses your cheek and nuzzles his head in your neck falling asleep to your warmth.


Knock knock

"(Y/N). It's me Yoosung!" Yoosung knocked on your door. He got no answer and turned the door knob. He got surprised when it opened and went in.

"(Y/N)! Why didn't you lock the do-" He stopped when he saw you asleep on your couch. He sighs. "(Y/N)... That was dangerous. What if it wasn't me who entered, something bad could of happend..." He goes over to you and crouches down. "You look so vulnerable...." He blushes bright red and smacks himself. "W-w-what am I saying!"

".....Yoosung.." You said in your sleep. He stares at you still blushing. "Is she dreaming about me?" He shakes his head blushing harder. "I need to stop..." He looks at you and kisses your forehead. "(Y/N) you're so cute..."

He sits in front of the couch and puts his head in his knees about to fall asleep when you snuggle into the back of his neck. He blushes but let's you and goes to sleep.


You went with Zen to his practice. When Zen was done he went over and found you asleep. He smiles and picks you up bridal style. "That's dangerous (Y/N), you're too vulnerable when you're asleep. Men won't be able to hold back."

He thought you would be safer with him so he took you to his house. While he was waking in his house you woke up. "Zen.... Sorry... I got tired and-" He put his lips on yours kissing you to silence you. "Shh (Y/N). Go back to sleep." You nod while blushing and fall back to sleep. Zen smiles and gently puts you in his bed. He gets in as well and snuggles you with your head in his neck.


You and Jumin were going to have a nice dinner at home. You cooked and made his favourites and sat there waiting, and waiting for him to come home from work. You passed out while waiting.

"(Y/N)! I'm ho-" He sees you at the table asleep. He instantly feels bad. He goes over to you and picks you up bridal style and takes you to bed.

He sets you down. "Sorry for making you wait. You must of been lonely... I know! I'll take tomorrow off and we will spend time together. I'll tell assistant Ka-"

"Jumin don't cause trouble for Jeahee..." You wake up rubbing your eyes.

He smiles and grabs your hand and kisses it. "I won't... But I'm still spending time with you tomorrow and that's final. Now go back to sleep."

"Join me...?" You say quietly while looking away. He smiles and pets your head. "Of course." You fall back asleep in the arms of Jumin.


Saeran walked into the living room and sees you asleep. He sighs. "You can be pretty troublesome (Y/N)..." He walks over to you and stares at you.

He blushes and starts to mess with your hair, running his hands through it. He then gets close to you, about to kiss you when you groan and shift. Saeran jumps back blushing but sighs when he sees that you're still asleep.

"Man... That was close..." He looks at you again and gets up. He picks you up and takes you to your bed. He puts you down and goes to leave but he feels a hand grab his.

He blushes and goes to pull his hand away. "Saeran..." you mumbled in your sleep. He stops and looks at you surprised.

"Weird girl...." He decides to lay down with you and you snuggle up to him. He blushes but let's you and his hands go to your hair playing with it. He falls asleep with his hands in your hair.

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