Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Chapter 1

 Romy was sitting on her bed, wearing a fluffy new t-shirt and matching jeans. She was biting her nails that were nicely done by her mother just a few moments ago. The usually short and plain nails were transformed into long, cute and pink polka-dotted  nails. Her mom owned a beauty salon and Romy always got the free beauty treatment, the best mother you could get. Her loosely tied hair tumbled down her back in in golden-brown waves. 

 She was staring at her laptop that was lying in front of her. It troubled her, the internet was down and many of her assignments were due in a couple of weeks. "So much for leaving things up to the last minute," Romy mumbled to herself, "teachers are so mean." She glanced at the massive pile of different books waiting for her on her bedside table. If it was any higher, it would topple on top of her, burying her in unfinished homework, notes and revision tests.

 Her mother, Mary may be the best but she was harsh on reports, test and marks at the end of each term. Whereas her father, Dominic was the typical fun, easy-going father that anyone would love. Mary stuck her head in through the doorway, "Dinner's ready!" The lovely aroma of freshly roast chicken drifted through the doorway and circled around Romy, she sighed, nothing beats Mother’s amazing chicken specialty.

 The table was nicely set and Mary and Dominic was waiting for Romy. She sat down as Mary set the vegetables on her plate, "Yuck mum!" Romy howled, "You know I hate carrots!" Dominic fell off his chair laughing.  Mary gave Dominic a long stare and piled up the carrots onto his plate instead, then he stopped laughing then he gave a long face, "Yuck Mary, you know I hate carrots!" 

 "Full, stuffed and satisfied," murmured Romy to herself, "Check; now the hard bit… Dun, dun, dun!!! The Homework!!!" She collapsed on her lilac coloured bed. Tomorrow science was due as well as maths, English and drama. Her history test was coming up in 3 days as well as her music composition.  She went through a pile a books and one of them caught her interest. "My diary!" She exclaimed. She opened up her books and her eyes laid on the first page.


December 1st 2009

Dear Diary,

I have finally met the one who I feel comfortable with. He has long, soft-looking brown hair that falls over his eyes, his dark chocolate brown yet mysterious eyes have a spark of mischief in it looking perfect with his hair. I felt like it was love at first sight, but he didn't give me second look. I felt that he was worth chasing but how could I if a thousand others were after him too?!?! 

 His name was Luke and he was a keeper, he looked like an angel a hot demon. And the massive thing is… He was Emily's boyfriend. EMILY?!?!? Seriously that sucks big time, you see Emily and I have been friends since year 5 (I'm in year 9) that’s a long time. She told me she had met a gorgeous guy when she was walking home, they met up a few times and he decided to ask her out to a date. You can guess how they progressed from there.

 I felt really bad when Emily introduced him to me, and she didn't notice all the jealous glares radiating from the hidden crowd in the small restaurant. But Emily was beautiful, with soft, brown hair like Luke and they looked perfect together. Emily was a model, glowing skin, bright blue eyes, skinny as a stick, and her own style.

 I admire her, she has the perfect boyfriend, the perfect body, she is the perfect girl and together they make the Perfect Couple. I want to support her, I really do, and together we dreamt of finding our true love together. It just turns out we have been dreaming of the same person. 



~Author's Note~

Thanks for reading this your making my dream come true <3 


---------------------------> LUKE <3

COME ON Guys I can't upload another chapter until I get 10 comments :) LETS DO THIS

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