Chapter 2 - Makeing New Friends

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A/N: Hey guys, thanks for the votes & readings! I'm happy you like it! :D Tweet me @CyrusftLambert :) I know this chapter is long but I was really inspired to write it:) Hope you like it as much as the first one! Love ya!xoxo♡

*Sauli's POV*

Finally I arrived to L.A. My mom & I gore piked up at the air port by my dad & headed home. While our stuff got sent home on a truck & followed us home. The journey to my new home I just listened to my music while my parents would talk with excitement about the new home,school & social class we were now part of. When we arrived I jus sighed & stared at my new "home". It was the topical rich american house, all white with exquisite detail on every frame, door & wall of the house. I wasn't to impressed about it. The only thing I could think of was that I wanted to go back home & wish everything was back to normal.

'Hey Sauli, I knew you've like it. Follow me to your new room & let's start unpacking because tomorrow you have school.' my dad said to me while standing by my side & petting me in the back. 'Sure dad' I faked a smile, got my stuff with the help of my dad. Then we headed to my new room, It was simple & modern. The walls were ice white, the bed header, desk, wardrobe, the big window frame & night table were dark black would. The amazing view of L.A maked me love it even more.The room was simply perfect. Then I followed my dad to my bathroom witch was

Basically equally styled, just that this time instead if wood is was black marble. 'So son, do you like it?' My dad said to me, 'Dad I love it, it's perfect' I said with a big smile on my face. For the first time I was starting to love L.A . My dad smiled back at me 'I'm glad son, well I'll leave you to un-pack your stuff' my dad said while exiting the room, I just nodded back in response. As soon as my dad left the room I grabbed my iphone, put on some music & started to unpack.

I finally was done with un-pecking my room, I decided to to go for a walk down the neighborhood. As I headed down the stairs listening to music, I saw my parents sleeping on the couch. I left them a note on the table next to them, I closed the door silently and I headed to the park happily listening to music. As I made my way to the park walking down the side way looking at the beautiful sun set & being occupied in my own thought's, until I accidentally crashed into someone.

'I'm so sorry! I'm so distracted, ic should have seen you' A female voice with a bit of a southern accent spoke to me as I looked up to her, She was a beautiful girl with green eyes & light brown hair & for a gay guy to say that it's pretty impressive. 'Don't be sorry, it was my fault' I replayed to her & she immediately noticed my strong finish accent as I spoke. 'Sorry for asking but I couldn't help it notice that you have a strong European accent. were are you from?'. 'I'm from Finland' I said with a big smile on my face, 'I just moved here today and I'm Sauli by the way'

'Well it's nice to meet you Sauli' She smiled at me 'I'm Molly'. I was impressed she didn't have any problems with spelling my name because it was a weird name for most American people. 'So Sauli, Do you like L.A till now?'

'I kinda like it but I still Miss home'

'Same, I'm from Nashville,Tennessee. I've moved here when I was 8 but the good thing is we go back home for the Holidays & vacations to be with the family.

'That's grate' I smiled to her.

After that we just talked until we reached the park. Then we sat down on a bench after a walk around the park, We basically talked about everything until she asked me about if I had a girlfriend.

'Tell me something, did you had a girlfriend back in Finland?' she asked me. I didn't know what I say. I'm gay & proud of it but In America there are to many homophobes. I was about to speak but she cut me of because she had read the look on my face. 'Any boyfriends?' She asked again in a more calm tone.

'Yes' I said in a whisper and bit shy.

'Don't be afraid of confessing you are gay. I'm totally ok with that, my family may be Christian but we support gay marriage because we believe that everybody should fall in love no matter the gender they choose to love.' She said with a smile at the end.

I smiled back 'Thank you Molly, it really good having a friend here that's ok with my sexuality. All my friends back home were okey with it. & I thought I was going to get bullied here because of it'.

'Your not not getting bullied here Sauli, I'll tell the jocks to get off if they even touch you!'

I just kept on smiling 'Thank you so much Molly'

'Your welcome Sauli'.

After that we kept on talking till 10pm.

I looked at the time & thought that my parents might be wondering were I was so we started heading to my house and talking in the way. ' Hey Molly, I know were my house is so let me drop you off at your house first.'

'Thank you Sauli, You are a true gentle man'

I just smiled. 'It's nothing'

When we reached Molly's house I was impressed her house was bigger than mine an modem in a way. As we reached the door step I could here

Some voices coming in from the inside & I heard my parents. As we stepped in my parents were saying goodbye to Molly's parents & then they saw me and her coming in.

'Hey Sauli, we were about to go home, but I can see you have already met Mike's daughter' my dad said to me.

'Yes and she is a grate friend'

'Thank you Sauli, you are a pretty good friend to'

We started talking a bit with our pe rents then we said goodbye to the Morris family and headed home. I was so tired Thai just put my pj's on, Bruges my teeth and went to bed. I was glad to say I've made a new friend & that she accepted me for who I was, but never the less school was still in my mind, I didn't want to go & go over all the bulling and pain agin.

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