Chapert 9 - I've Turned Into Someone Else

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*Tommy's POV*

My Friday afternoon & saturday morning were total shit. Adam didn't care about me any more, his to busy day dreaming about that stupid fin! Why should I care about him any way? If he doesn't give a dam, why should I!? Fuck You Lambert! I don't need you any more! Today I'm going to the party by my self, dance with other guys & maybe I'll Hook up with someone if I feel like it. I'll do everything to forget about Adam, to start with I want to dye my hair a different color, I'm tiers of this fake blonde, I want something different. need you any more! Today I'm going to the party by my self, dance with other guys & maybe I'll Hook up with someone if I feel like it. I'll do everything to forget about Adam, to start with I want to dye my hair a different color, I'm tiers of this fake blonde, I want something different. Something outstanding, not a boating blonde like I am now, neither a boating black or brown color. I have time to think about the color before I go to the salon. I got of the bed & looked at myself in the mirror, my abed toned body looked fine but my arms didn't look right, they looked boring & dull. Tattoos will make my arms look better. That's it, I'm getting a new hair color & tattoos today.

I got changed & drive to the tattoo shop. I got both of my arms tattooed back & forth, each tattoo had a meaning for me & were especial. Afterwards I drived myself to the salon. When I arrived to the salon as soon as I stepped in Trina my personal stylist greeted me & attend me.

"What brings ya here today Tommy?" Trina asked me in a curious tone of voice.

"Brake up"

"Aww I'm sorry to here that, did that Adam guy did you bad?"

"In deed, his falling for another man"

"Well no more worries, Trina will make you feel better. Tell me what do you want to do Trina to do?"

"I just want to get an out standing dye"

"What color?"

"Pink, but not girl light pink. I want it more like a fuchsia tone like"

"Let's get started then"

" & also I would like to get my nails done"

"Sure, ill send someone right now " Trina said as she went to get the dyes & stuff.

The whole makeover took like two hours. When I was done I couldn't believe the results, I loved it. it was exactly what I wanted & with my tattoos I looked like a new person. I've had turned into someone else. I said goodbye to Trina & headed home. When I got home I went straight to my room to look at myself fully in the mirror. I looked at my new tattoos & at my new dyed hair, I loved the new me. I felt like I had all of a sudden this new attitude, no one can tell me no now. After staring at my self for half an hour I took a long hot shower & then went to the movie room to watch my favorite Nirvana concert. I was so into the concert that I was screaming & jamming to it as if I was there. Everything was going perfect, I was chilling & having some me time until the door bell cut off my vibe. I paused the movie & went to attend the door. To my surprise it was Adam with a surprised look in his face.

"Baby is that you?"

"I'm not your baby any more, & yes this is the new me like it or not. Well it doesn't mind to me if you like it or not anymore because we are nothing" I said to Adam in a cold & dry tone of voice.

"What did I do to you? I love you Tommy Joe Ratliff & I'm proud to love you!" Adam hugged me tight & I just backed off.

"Your just saying that because you feel guilty, I can see in your eyes that when you looked at me there's not that spark you used to have with me, now when you look at Sauli your eyes just glow. Face it were done, just go with that idiotic Fin but he could never love you like I do!"

"Babe that's not true" Adam said to me with tears in his eyes, "I truly love you, just give me one last chance to prove it to you. please I beg you" Adam said begging on his knees. I've never seen Adam like this, he must really love me. Don't get to carried away with his words, they are just words & what is said, said it stays. I helped Adam get up & the spoke to him.

"Listen closely Adam, You just have tonight to make things right" He immediately smiled at when those words came out of my mouth.

"I'm not done yet, if tonight works out we will still be together but if it doesn't then we are done for real this time"

"Thank you baby! I'll see you at the part"

"See you" I said giving Adam a half smile & that caused Adam to give me a passionate kiss that lasted for a minute or so & then left with the biggest smile on his face.

I knew Adam won't give up on me so easily so I just gave him another chance. For him it was Time for motives. To fix us.

*Sauli's POV*

"I'll wait for you in a hour at my house so we can go to the party" Molly said to me as she & Dani got off my car.

"See you in an hour girls" I waved at them as I drove away with destination to my house. I parked my car a side on the side walk I front of my house, the parking lots were occupied by my parents car. I got my shopping bags & as I entered the house I heard my parents speak in from the living room. I went up stairs to leave all my bags & take a look at me, I wasn't the same little scared paled, weird & scared Finnish boy that just moved to California. I was kind of the popular guy, everyone at school nows my name, my best friend is the popular girl &she accepts me for who I am but the best part is that I don't get bullied for my sexuality. I had changed a bit in looks with a slight natural tan, my hair was still the same blonde hair it just had light brown chocolate rays. My personality was still the same as well as my feelings. For my friends from Finland would for sure say that I had changed & a lot but as long as I was true to myself I wasn't someone else.

"Sauli, Hunny aren't you coming to greet us before you go?" My mom said to me as she entered my room with my dad behind me.

I shook my head to get our of my thoughts & get back to reality.

"Yes mom, I was about to go down but I just got a bit carried way with my thoughts that's all" I gave them a have smile.

"Were you thinking about that Adam guy that you like?" asked my dad.

My parents knew that I liked Adam a lot. It was pretty obvious for them to see the sparkle in my eyes when I came with from school every day, they didn't hesitate to ask who I was into with out further a due.

"Kind of. Can I ask you a two a question?" I asked shyly to my parents.

"Sure" my dad spoke & my mom just nodded.

"Do you think I've changed?"

My parents look at each other & then my mom answered me. "Not at all, why do you ask that?"

" I'm the popular guy, no one bullies me & back in Finland I was the nerd that everyone hated & bullied"

"You haven't change, things just got better. That's all, you are still the same" my dad said.

"Thanks mom & dad, well I need to get ready for the party. Molly & Danj are waiting for me in less than an hour"

"Well, will leave you to it" My mom spoke as she & my dad left the room.

Once more I was alone again trapped with my thoughts & my loneliness. I took a long bath,then I got my hair done & finally I got my make up,contact lenses & tux on, the only thing left was to grab my mask. Now I was ready for a night full of surprises.

A/N: You guys are amazing! I have already 127 reads in less then a month! Thank you so much! I adore each & one of you guys! Hope you continue reading & enjoying my fan fic! *glam hugs & kisses* ♡

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