Chapter Three

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I opened the door to a smallish room. In the middle there was a bright red coloured bed . On it was the box Chris described. To the left of the bed was a small brown bedside table and a few metres away from that a grey chest of drawers. I looked around in amazement. I was a wolf and I had found my den. I looked inside the box and emptied everything out. There was a map of the school (as Chris said), and a timetable of my classes. There were new shoes and I put them on. They were exactly my size! How did they know so much about me? My name, where I was, my shoe size, my gift…? And what about that vision I saw? And how come I don’t remember anything before waking up to August? I sighed and pulled the box off the bed and onto the carpeted floor. I headed over to the chest of drawers, found some pyjamas and went to sleep.

That night I had another weird vision.

“Hurry, we don’t have much time.” A girl who looked remotely like me pulled me through the forest.

“I’m scared.” The words slipped through my mouth as if I had no control over my lips. She pulled me to a stop by a tree and put her hands on my shoulders.

“You stay here behind this tree, and I’m going to use my powers on you.”

“Your time freezing ones?” I felt like I knew what she was talking about.

“Yes, and it’ll wear off when I lead them away.”

“The baddies?”


“Okay.” I lay down by the tree and she sang me a lullaby. I felt sleepy and started to close my eyes.

“Sis?” I looked into her watery blue eyes.


“I love you.”

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