Chapter 7 - Gathering Forces

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The Ghost ship was still maneuvering the five TIE's chasing after them as the Inquisitor fired his blasts at the Ghost with ease. "Chopper, I'm rolling to starboard. Be ready to fire those guns!" Hera yelled over the comm to her droid before turning back to pilot the ship.

Zeb ran into the room with the turrent guns on the back of the Ghost and quickly came over to a fallen droid yelling "Karabast! Choppers down!"

He quickly took over the guns and put out the fire before saying to Hera, over the comm, "I've got you covered Hera, roll away."

Hera complied and rolled her ship around through her starboard side while Zeb shot at the TIE's making one explode before a few more came in. A few more blasts were fired at the ship making it shudder to where Esther and Sabale could feel it very hard before things stopped shaking for a while. "Sabale, I need you in the nose gun now," Hera's voice said over the comm catching both Sabale and Esther's attention while Tseebo looked blank.

Sabale looked as if he was conflicted in going right now making Esther just shake her head at him and look at him bewildered. "Didn't you hear Hera?" she demanded.

"Didn't you hear Tseebo? He said he knows what happened to your birth parents and your foster parents," Sabale responded reminding her of what Tseebo said earlier.

(Groans) "I already know what happened to the both of them. They're dead. So go!" Esther said glaring at him a bit making Sabale back up in shock before leaving.

As soon as he left, Esther then gently grabbed Tseebo by his arms, catching his attention, before saying "Are they? Are both my birth parents and my foster parents dead?"

"Someone want to explain to me why we're extra popular tonight?" Hera asked over the comm.

"We picked up a passenger. The Rhodian the Imperials are hunting," Kanan's voice sounded over the comm.

"And he's important because...." Hera asked over the comm really confused on why a simple Rhodian was being hunted by the Empire.

"Because, his cybernetic implant has downloaded half the Empire's secrets," Sabale's voice sounded over the comm.

"Okay, I can see why that's important. Let's get him out of here," Hera said over the comm before it went down letting Esther know that the crew was concentrating on getting out of Lothal.

"The Bridgers should hide. The troopers came. They took Mira and Ephraim Bridger away! They came for Kara Denzel and Dean Grace being hidden by the Bridgers," Tseebo said giving information to Esther that she didn't know about her birth parents being hidden by her foster parents.

"Where? Where did they take the both of them?" Esther demanded to know, desperate after all her attempts to find out about her birth family's fate, by breaking into the Lothal prison system, were always a failure that she never got to see if both of her families were taken prisoner.

Tseebo sighed before saying "Forgive Tseebo. Forgive him."

"Forgive you?!" Esther asked bewildered at such a request.

"Tseebo...failed. Tseebo was afraid. Tseebo could not raise Esther Denzel-Grace Bridger," Tseebo confessed sadly making Esther's eyes widen at that statement.

"Coward! You could've stopped them! Why didn't you stop them?!" Esther asked in a sobbing tone with tears in her eyes.

Her foster family's friend did not respond and just groaned in pain before the blank look came on and his cybernetic implant beeped to life indicating that he was gone. "Tseebo!" Esther shouted in hopes of bringing him back but came up with nothing.

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