Sunday, Oct. 16th

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It has been a damn week again, I learned, I ate, and dreamed...

I did not dream like when I slept worse I started seeing people that are not real!
The boy in the bus, the women in school and the worst the little boy in my closet...
I started seeing them since my 13th birthday... They all have something but I can't find out what it is!
I close my eyes for a second and think, I want to stop the faces, the dreams...

I see a old room it might be one in this house...
I see.. it is my dads office, there is the woman I always see, Omg....

I am not ready for this, I tried it once last month but I just thought I was crazy, but maybe I am not maybe all this is real.. I hear steps , I think if this are real or an illusion, the door opens quick and I see my father.. He has one of his black suits on, like every day....
he walks into my room looks around. I can't say how he feels his eyes are so empty!

"Anastasia why are you still in bad it is 8 o'clock" he says in his british accent..
"I am sorry father, I don't understand"

You should know my dad wasn't in my room for the past 7 months, and the last time was only because he wanted to tell me that he bought the house...

"Darling, there is something you don't know.. To be honest you don't know a lot of thinks, but you have to start to understand them cause you are 14 soon and we tried, but it is time for you to be one of them?"

"Dad, what are you even talking about!"

My dad looks to the window...
Then he comes closer to my bed and starts talking again..

"It is not just a family think it is a Job and we really hope you like it!"

When my dad says "we really hope you like it" he means who cares what you want you have to like it!

I look at him and I notice his sad face, my dad has got feelings?

"Father, just tell me what this chat is about!"

"I can't explain it to you here it is getting to dangerous, in this house!"

What is going on here, how this can't be a save place, please don't tell me I have to move school in my last year!!!!

and my Eyes close

×Hours Later×
I open my eyes again, I search for my phone, but I just feel a shoulder..
I look up and see him...

"Are you ok Anastasia?",the beautiful boy asks.
And I just stare at him like a idiot so he pulls me away a little bit like I am just someone he don't know...
But I know him I have seen him somewhere.
I ask the beauty: "Where am  I? Am I dead?"

He looks at me, but not that way what I hoped he would look at me... his eyes get red like blood! He stands up smiles at me and like from nowhere someone punches me in my face and I close those eyes again....

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