Preference- He Gets Pissed Off Because You Embarrass Him

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You and Harry were hanging out with the rest of the boys just chilling while watching a somewhat sad movie. During the sad part you look over and see Harry rubbing his eyes…you look closer and realize that he’s crying. You smirk and nudge Niall beside you and say in a loud voice, “Aww look at Harry showing his emotions!!!” You and the rest of the boys have a good laugh about it while Harry stays silent the whole time. Finally, after a good ten minutes you’re over it and you take your original spot next to your boyfriend Harry, you snuggle close to him, “Don’t touch me. I might get tears on you.” He says in a mean voice. You look at Harry for a minute before replying with an, “Excuse me?” He shakes his head, “You heard me bitch.” He says not looking at you, when you don’t say anything back he looks at you with regret in his eyes. The rest of the boys retreat the room seeing that you and your boyfriend need some ‘alone’ time, “Oh *insert you lovely name here*” He sighs, “I’m sorry I just-don’t want to seem not manly around you.” You smirk, “Oh Harry…you are extremely manly and FYI…I find it kinda hot when guys show their emotions.”


Liam had the afternoon off…you and he decided to go to the mall. Liam was busy on his phone texting a friend when he accidently runs into the clear glass door and it makes a loud noise. He drops his phone and looks at you stunned. Within a few seconds you break down in laughter and laugh so hard that you accidently snort a couple times as Liam stares at you…with a frown, “Wow I’d be really embarrassed if I had that laugh.” He says with a smirk…trying to hide his blush. You look at him with a sad look and cover your mouth; he knows that snorting has always been a sore issue for you. Liam looks at you and instantly regrets his words, “Ooh honey I’m sorry. I apologize you know I love your laugh. I was just I-I was embarrassed about running into that door and-“ You stop his ramble by pressing your lips to his, “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.” You say with a laugh, completely forgetting about his previous comment.


Louis has always been the type of guy that likes to show people that he’s the perfect boyfriend. So when you’re sitting with your groups of girlfriends chatting over lunch you bring up the fact that he forgot your one month anniversary…by accident of course. Louis, unfortunately overheard and gives you a angry…irritated look, “Oh wow thanks (y/n), you’re soooo sweet. You bring up the one time that I mess up. Shows how much you really care about me.” He snaps at you in front of your friends. You look at him biting your lip, that wasn’t the way you had meant it. Louis sighs running his fingers through his hair, “Oh baby I’m such a douche bag like legit…I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry.” You know that Louis has been under a lot of stress so you immediately stand up and give him a hug, “I was just about to add that, that night you and I had the best time because we ordered pizza and ate it in the hotel room. It was the best thing because it wasn’t prepared.”


While playing truth and dare with your friends…you dare your boyfriend Niall to take his pants off knowing that he has been homesick and is therefore wearing boxers covered in four-leaf clovers that he is sure to get a lot of crap for when shown to his friends. He gives you a look before taking them off…you and his friends laugh a lot about it…so much that you begin crying. Niall then proceeds to leave the room to come back with your favorite pair of embarrassing underwear, “I would rather wear my four leaf clover underwear then tease any day!” He yells throwing them at you. Embarrassed, and upset with his comment you stand up and run to your room feeling tears come to your eyes. Within minutes your door opens and Niall shuffles in, “I’m sorry (y/n)” He beings, “I uh, yeah I kinda think your underwear are cute.” You can see him in the mirror blushing. You pretend to still be pissed but it doesn’t work out because you can’t stand the cuteness of Nialler, “I’m feeling lucky.” Is all you say before turning around and pulling him onto the bed with you.


Finally the boys let you help with sound check! You and your boyfriend Zayn walk out onto the stage hand in hand, the fans scream when you to come out. Zayn pulls you to his chest and kisses your forehead but you can’t help but back away because you smell cigarette, “Eww have you been smoking again!? You know I told you that you needed to quit!” You yell at him…accidentally into the microphone. Zayn gives you a death glare, “Well it’s not like you’re my mother so stop being such a bossy boots!” With that you turn around and storm off the stage…with of course, Zayn close on your heels. “You can’t avoid me foreverrr.” He says in an annoying tone. You continue walking, “Come on babez…you going to make me beg on my knees? I’m sorry?” You turn around a smirk playfully, “Maybe.” He shrugs, “Well you better make up your mind soon.” You shrug, “Oh well…I guess I’ll just have to wait until tonight to make you do that.” You laugh and jump into his arms…completely forgetting about the smell of smoke. 

(A-N) So this is from Tumblr.

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