He finds out you have an eating disorder (Part 5/5)

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Zayn: You left the convenience store, you pulled your hat lower and pushed your sunglasses up higher and walked out with your head down. You couldn’t risk getting caught by his fans. You walked down a few streets until you finally made it to your apartment and walked up the few flights of stairs. Good exercise, you thought. You finally got to your floor, a little winded, and got to your door, hearing the TV playing inside. You figured you must’ve left it on when you left, completely forgetting. You shrugged and unlocked the door, walking in. You were completely shocked to see all four of your best friends sitting on the couch, your boyfriend, Zayn, sitting with them. You took your glasses, hat, and coat off, trying to hide the bag without being obvious. “Hey, babe!” Zayn said, smiling and standing up, walking over to you, kissing your lips lightly. You forced a smile, “Hi.” you said, walking into your room. “What’s that you got there?” said Louis, sneaking behind you, taking the bag from under your arm. You spun around quickly and tried snatching it from him but Niall laughed and held your arms back. Normally you wouldn’t have a problem with it if the bag contained something unimportant; but this couldn’t be happening. “Give it back, Louis. Please.” you said, fighting Niall. He pulled the three boxes out and read the front aloud, “Dulcolax. Laxative tablets for women.” he looked up at you and laughed, “What, (Y/N)? Having some trouble in the bathroom?” he joked, smiling up at you. For once, Louis didn’t get the joke. All the other boys did, including Zayn. You shook Niall off of you, “Yeah, I am. The scale.” you snatched the boxes out of his hand and stormed into your room, slamming the door. You began to sob, sliding down the wall with your face in your hands. You had never had a problem with your weight before you met Zayn; it was all the fans pointing it out that finally made you realize. You finally decided to take laxatives instead of starving yourself or throwing up after every meal so it wouldn’t tip Zayn off. If it seemed like you were taking vitamins instead of pills he wouldn’t say anything. No harm done, right?

About half of a minute passed of you crying quietly to yourself and quiet voices exchanging. Finally, after hearing the front door closing you heard your bedroom door open and you lifted your face from your hands, looking up at him.

His hands were balled up into fists and his jaw was clenched, “Laxatives, (Y/N)? LAXATIVES? THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR BODY.” he screamed, getting closer to you. You stood up, “Nothing wrong? NOTHING WRONG? EVERYTHING IS WRONG WITH ME, ZAYN. EVERYTHING.” you screamed, tears rolling down your cheeks, your hands also balled in fists. Concern immediately ran over his face and he stepped closer to hold you, you pushed him away. “Don’t touch me right now, Zayn.” you ran your hand through your hair and sighed a shaky sigh. “You’re wrong, (Y/N). You body is amazing. There’s absolutely no need to use laxatives. You have the perfect amount of proportions  and there’s no need to lose anything. You’re scaring me, (Y/N). You’re losing too much weight.” his eyes began to get glossy and he pulled you to him without noticing. “You’re perfect, babe. Absolutely perfect. Trust me.” you sighed and nodded, “Okay.” you said. He kissed your forehead and wiped a tear off your cheek, “I never want to hear you vomit or ever see you miss a meal from now. Ever.” he said, pressing his forehead to yours, “I love you.” “I love you too, Zayn. Thank you.”


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