#1: Family

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Beep, beep, beep.

I peel my eyes open glaring up at the ceiling as I proceed to slam my hand onto the alarm clock for everything to become silent. I sigh in content closing my eyes once again before hearing the rattle of a bell. I sigh as I got up. I swing my legs off the edge of the bed, groggily getting up as I drag myself to the door. As I walk across the hall to my sisters room, I hear a crash followed by a yelp of pain coming from ahead for my eyes to double in size. I ran into the room to find pieces of shattered glass everywhere. Immediately, I notice a lampshade across the room from her bed, but then shift to my little sister trying to walk over to me.

"Don't move!" I said causing her freeze. She looks up at me terrified

"Flora I'm scared!" She whimpered for me to nod

"I know, but I'll get you okay? Just give me a few seconds!" I said for her to slowly nod. I quickly ran back to my room, grabbing the boom and booking it back upstairs for her to be in the same spot "Okay. I need you to stand on the tippy toes." I said as calmly as possible for her to nod. I quickly walk over with my slippers on, sweeping behind her feet before picking her up and placing her outside of the room "Katie I need you to go wake up mom and tell her!" I said for her to nod. She quickly runs off down the stairs as I turn back and broom as much as I can before my mom walks in 

"Flora why would you break Katie's lamp!" My mom asked well aware that it wasn't me. Making me roll my eyes as I finish cleaning up putting the shards of glass into the trash can

"I didn't. Katie broke it by accident!" I said frowning my brows confused causing her to gasp and pull Katie closer to her side. I could feel myself shrink under her gaze  

"How dare you speak back to your mother? You ungrateful child. You better apologize now or---" she said for me to cut her off knowing I will be in trouble regardless of what I say next 

"No I will not apologize because I didn't do anything!" I said walking past my mom to throw out the glass 

"You ungrateful child." My mom yelled at my back before softly comforting Fay. I rush to my room after throwing the glass out. I grab a bag full of all my essentials before calling up my step sister, Sabrina

I walk out of the house, my bag on my back, as my phone continues to ring. I make my way towards my safe place, the park. The phone goes to voicemail for me to look at my phone surprised. I try calling for it to go to voicemail. I sigh once again as I put my phone away. 

Sabby: Hey Flora. I really can't talk right now I'm recording some music. I'll call you back later! ❤️


When I finally arrive at the park, I sit on a bench facing the ply structure as it is filled with adults and kids. I pull a book out of my bag as I continue to read while waiting for a call back from Sab, which came five hours later. I place my book down as I pick up my phone with my free hand, answering the call

"Hey Flora!" Sab said into the phone, her voice cheery and happy 

"Hey!" I said softly trying to act as "normal" as possible. 

"So why did you call?" Sab asked and I sigh ruffling my hair

"I left my mom's place..." I trailed off... I hated asking for help, but I needed help and Sab was the only person I could think to call, even if we do have a five year age gap

"What?? Why didn't you tell me this before?" She asked sounding worried as their was loud shuffling coming from her end of the call  "where are you?" 

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