#3: New Day

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We continued singing a few songs, noticing but Sabrina giving her phone to Rowan which was weird; though I didn't press. Once we got home we watched some chic flics as I got to know Rowan better, talking aimlessly amongst each other. It was going all well until Sabrina opened her mouth

"We should watch IT!" Sabrina said excitedly for me to viciously shake my head

"No I'm scared of horror movies Sab!" I said shivering at the thought, though Rowan looked eager to watch

"Well two to one we win!" Sabrina said with a smile causing me groan. I don't know how but whenever I though it might not be so bad because there was no screaming, I look up and regret every choice leading up to this moment. Now movies don't really scare me when I watch them, but I know I will be having nightmares after that. So once the movies done, Rowan goes on to my bed as we decide to share rooms as she usually sleeps here, but I find myself not able to sleep jumping in fear every time I hear... well anything. After a bit, I get out of my sleep bag and crawl into the bed with Rowan

"What?" Rowan mumbled confused shuffling over

"I'm scared!" I mumbled softly bit trying to frighten here I feel arms go around my waist as I shift closer, terrified

"It's okay Flora no one will get you your safe!" She said softly to me. I nod into the older girls arms

"Okay... " I muttered softly. Slowly, but surely, I  Began drifting off to sleep, exhausted front he day I had.

I awakened to the sight of the brown haired beauty in front of me, a bit of drill on the side of her mouth.

"Awe!" Sabrina mumbled before I hear a click as I shift over rolling my head into Rowan's neck. I hear footsteps before the door opens and closed; the room become silent once more. I stay in Rowan's arms feeling safe as I stay frozen until she shifts awake. I slowly move back my face a few centimetres from hers

"Good Morning... I mumbled bashfully in my raspy morning voice for her to smile and yawn

"Morning!" She mumbled with a smirk. We sit there silently looking at each other. I see Rowan's eyes flicker to my lip before going back up to my eyes. I feel myself leaning in only to realize Rowan also is leaning in until there is a knock on the door making us jump apart

"Breakfast is ready come downstairs!" Sabrina said loudly making me internally groan as I had come so close to kiss Rowan. I un tense, relaxing once again

"Okay where coming!" I yelled back for me to hear footsteps growing faint quickly. Rowan smiles at me before getting up

"I'm going to take a shower" She said quickly rushing away. She quickly grabs all her clothes and goes into the washroom. After a few minutes passed she turns on the shower signalling I have alone time. I quickly grab my lyric book and start writing lyrics on my book

....Tell me how,
Tell me how we both got here....

.....don't know what I'm doing,
It's like I've been waiting forever.....

....so please don't leave me here tonight,
Lonely on the dance floor,
Cause I've been waiting my whole life for a moment like you....

......if love is what you need,
Then love is what you get....

I hear the water turn off causing me quickly place my book into the bed side table drawer. By the time Rowan appears, I'm successfully on my phone scrolling through my social media

"I'm done!" She said with a huge smile. I mirror her expression as I nod

"Okay let's go eat breakfast." We both walked out of the guest room and down the stairs on to find Sabrina with some food in front of her looking untouched. Once she noticed us, a smirk rose onto her face

"About time what where you guys doing up there?" Sabrina asked her smirk widening as she leaned over to look at us. Rowans face immediately begins to heat up, though I act nonchalant

"I went to take a shower while Flora waited for me!" Rowan said hesitantly making Sabrina wiggle her eyebrow but quickly stops with a glare from me

"So we have to go back to the studio. You coming Flora?" Sabrina asked as Rowan had moved to grab some food

"Of course. Not like I have anything to do here." I said with a soft nod and a smile. Sabrina smirks at me mouthing 'we will talk later' before turning towards the food. Relieved, I approach the kitchen table.

"Well then go get dressed quickly little sis!" She said for me to pout. I grab a slice of bread and butter, before I ran upstairs to get dressed.

After eating breakfast, we all headed out. Everything had mostly repeated itself - without the tour of course - thought I finally got to meet the people that actors that played Topanga and Corey Mathews. They where amazing, so sweet and down to earth. It felt like I was friends with them for years as they were really kind to us. When they had to leave, we - as in Corey, Peyton, Rowan, Sabrina and I - went to an ice cream shop where we all ordered different flavours

"Can I have a bubble gum swirl....." Sabrina said

"...1 Cookie dough..." Corey said

".....vanilla..." Peyton said

"...chocolate please..." Rowan said for all heads to turn to me

".....and 1 cookie and cream in an adult scoop please!" I said warmly. The lady at the cashier smiles back and nods

"Okay sunshine... That will be $36.47."  She said before scooped it for us. When looking back at the receipt, I realized we were charged less. With a warm smile, she said mine was on the house. As we sat down, they where all looking at me weirdly, Rowan's different from the rest. I brushed it off as we all began to eat our frozen treat though Rowan seemed distant

"She's totally into you." Sab muttered nudging her head towards the teen girl who gave us our ice cream. I scoff shaking me head

"Your unbelievable..." I said back catching the others attention. Sab shakes her head

"Nope. Your just oblivious."

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