#5: Hot Pink

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Well Sabrina was right. As I left backstage, I felt the vomit rising in my throat. I rush back stage and to an empty washroom. I end up gagging, but thankfully, nothing comes out. After I calm down, I splash my face with cold water, patting it dry, before I went to Sabs change room. I went to the make up/lounge room until Rowan arrived, seemingly panicked

"Flora are you okay? What happened to you? You just left set and didn't come back!" She said cautiously approaching me, worriedly. I softly smile at her

"I'm fine. I just needed the washroom is all." I lied. I didn't want her to worry so lying was the best option. She slowly nods with a sigh, before Sabrina walks in

"Let me guess---" She said making me cut her off

"I went to use the washroom!" I said to her repeating my lie slipping out. She squints at me

"The washroom?" She said sceptically. Rowan looked between us confused. Saying I went to the washroom wasn't a lie though, I was just withholding the whole truth.

"Yeah... Am I not allowed to go to the washroom?" I asked innocently enough. She softly shakes her head. We make hardcore eye contact before she finally realizes what I'm trying to say. She glanced at Rowan before she mad a face saying 'you say it before I do' look. I hardcore shook my head for her to sigh shaking her head 

"You just went to the washroom before filming and you always hold it!" She said making me looked at her confused

"So? I needed it now." I said as a matter of fact before I see realization flash on Rowan's face before I realize it myself. Just as I was about to confirm my half truth once again, Corey came in

"Guys Peyton fell in his last scene!" Corey said out of breath, his face bright red, catching all of our attentions. I use these few seconds to move to the back of the room and go out to the back door going straight for the front door. I quick left the studio as I walk for a while until I spot a good looking cafe. I went inside to  grab a bite to eat. After buying a hot chocolate and two cake pops, I go to a park near by. I sit on a bench in front of a little pond as I eat my cake pops, before walking around, sipping on my hot chocolate every few seconds until I'm done. As I finish my drink, I turn around to walk back the way I came. As I'm walking back, I spot someone who looked remarkably similar to Rowan, though I quickly realize it was in fact her. She rushed over to me

"Flora! There you are. We've been looking all over for you!" Rowan said engulfing me in her arms. I am surprised by the gesture

"Rowan?" I said surprised for her to pull back. She looked annoyed as she softly hit my arm

"Why did you lie to me?" She asked crossing her arms. I look at anywhere but her. "Flora why did you lie to me?" She asked clearly dead serious. I still don't look at her until she finally snaps "God damn it Florascent why did you f**king lie to me?" She said clearly angry at her. I look up at her surprised she cussed

"U-u-u-uhhhh well I-I didn't want you to cancel th-the date!" I said kinda scared of her snapping. I look down but saw a glimpse of her face which was becoming softer quickly

"Flora I---" she said but was cut off as Sabrina came running to us

"There you are Flora are you okay?" Sabrina said stepping beside Rowan who's looking between us. I look up at Sabrina and give her a soft smile and nod

"Yup!" I said with a smile. Sabrina's phone dings

"We have to get back to the studio and re shoot the scene. Come on!" She said for me to quickly walk ahead of the both go them. I was staying a good distance away from Rowan. As Sabrina and I were in the car, going home, she finally spoke

"What happened there?? Where you actually tired? Was---" she said but I cut her off turning to her

"I lied okay are you happy now that I admitted it just stop the car!" I said to her before getting out of the car 

"What are you doing? Get back in the car Flora. You don't even know where we are." She asked angrily. For me to slam the car door.

"No. I'll uber back. Just leave me alone." I snapped rushing into a random alley, until I find myself in front of a target. I step into the store as I grab some hair dye. I quickly buy it before going to the closest class station. I grab a Kit Kat bar and buy it, before gaining access to the washroom keys. I lather my hair with the bright pink hair dye, and after an hour of hiding and refusing to come out, my hair is a bright hot pink colour.

"If you don't come out now, I will have to call the police." I hear the clerk owner demand as he keeps banging on the door 

"Okay. Okay. I'm coming out now." I said loudly. I throw everything back into the now empty pack of hair dye. I pull my hoodie over my head, tucking my hair away. When I open the door, I am met with a furious shop owner who snatches the keys from my hands 

"Kids." He said disgustingly before leaving. I roll my eyes as I toss out the garbage. I quickly dial for an uber, which took ten minutes to arrive and half an hour to bring me back to the house. I thank him, before walking back into the house. I try to rush upstairs to no avail

"Where were you?" My birth father asked me. I roll my eyes as I continue to try and walk back upstairs

"Outside!" I said in a duh tone

"Florascent you will not speak to me like that. Now you come back down here." He said in a warning tone. I sigh before slowly making my way back down "...Now where were you?"

"I went to get a nose ring!" I said turn to him. He squint his eyes before I softly smile "Kidding."

"This is not funny. Your grounded for two weeks for not getting my approval beforehand. The only place you will be allowed to go is if your sisters are with you and with my permission!" He said for my jaw to drop 

"But---" I said and started to cough violently. Panic grew on my dads face as he came closer

"Flora, are you okay?" He asked for me to step back as I stop coughing 

"Yes I'm fine now can I go upstairs?" I asked for him to look away and nod. I walk upstairs and go into my room turning on my phone to see a bunch of texts messages from Rowan!

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