chapter 8

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I immediately packed my things in the office because it was one of those days when I had to pick Layla from school and it was already getting late.

I walked down to get a cab and then my eyes suddenly met someone else's. The woman wore designers cloth, shoes, and bag. She looked so expensive. She looked so familiar as I was trying to recall where I had known her from then someone spoke.

"if not the pathetic social climber"the same woman said and then I turned to face her. How could I possibly forget who she was!! It was ahmed's mother!!

"Hello ma"I said in the most polite way that I could have.

"I see you've improved with your style"she said examining my dress.

"but I am still glad my son didn't choose you"she bluntly said even after 6 years she still sees me as that pathetic looking girl who will do anything for money. And I really didn't understand why that was the first thing she would say to me after seeing me for the first time in six years, it was awkward but I didn't want to be rude so I just stayed.

"we should have coffee sometime" she suggested. How could I possibly have coffee with her, I thought. The guts!!!

"you see, you can call me anything! As you can see I have been doing good all this year's and I don't care about you!! Your money!! Or your son. And for your son he lost the only person that ever truly loved him but for me,i didn't lose anything. I was just saved from living with someone like him for the rest of my life"

"and for the coffee, we really should sometime"I said, then walked out on her. As I walked on I thought of the many other things I could have said to her but I was caught unawares so I couldn't do much.

I reached Layla's school but I was told she had gone home. I  knew mother couldn't have picked her and she wouldn't go home herself. So I panicked a bit thinking about where she possibly could be or who could have picked her up. I didn't want to panick so much so I decided to call mum.

    "hello mum, is Layla at home"I said already panicking. Where could she possibly be.

"yes, she came minutes ago"mother said and immediately I felt relieved

"did you pick her up from school, how did she get home by herself"i asked

"I didn'tpick her up and she didn'tcome by herself, someone brought her home" she answered


I reached home and then Layla came to open the door. I was already prepared to scold her because I always told her not to follow someone else home if it wasn't i or mother. I already had a bad day and she was trying to add to it and make it worse.

"Layla!! How many times am I going to tell you not to follow strangers home"I screamed

"I brought her"I looked up in the direction of the voice then I saw usman my boss.

"Ohh, hello"

"don't get angry at her. I came to get my niece so I decided to pick her since I saw you still had so much to do at the office. She didn't want to come with me before actually. I told her I was going to call you to inform you."he said smiling.

"thanks alot"

"I should get going now"he said holding his niece Khalid by his side.

"bye aunty, bye Layla and grandma"khalid said before going out with usman.I closed the door behind them then I looked back at mum who was smiling sheepishly.

"mother, please no!!"

"Layla go upstairs and finish your homework, I want to speak with your mum" mother said

"can't you See!!"mother said after Layla had gone

"what mom!?"I asked

"usman likes you, didn't you notice the way he looks at you"

"mother no!! He can't like me!! He must not like me and where is this coming from all of a sudden"

"do you know what, that Ahmed boy still affects you and I know it. We both do"

"please don't bring Ahmed into this, he doesn't have control over anything I choose to do for myself. He isn't a part of my life anymore so he can't affect me"

"just keep saying it till you believe it, I know you still love him even after six years,you don't hate him,you just hate yourself for still loving him"mother said and I knew a bit of what she said was true.

"forgive yourself already zeenat, you have to move on because do you think Ahmed hasn't moved on. He is already married where he is. Do you know how you look always,like a pathetic love struck teenager"mother said and a tear slipped from my eyes because of how much Ahmed hurt me!! I hate him but I hate myself more because deep inside me.he is still the only man I have ever loved even after six years.

"you know what Zeenat, move on and love again. Life didn't stop moving the day you found out that Ahmed had moved with another woman."

"I already have a child, mother"

"and who says he cares"

"mother, what did you do!!"I asked suspicious of what mother might have told usman.

"nothing, but I invited him over for dinner tomorrow."

"mother!!"I whined

"tomorrow is Saturday, zeenat"

I  did some house cleaning and layed down on my bed thinking about what mother had told me "move on and love again". I wasn't ready for any of that yet and who says usman even likes me and he is my boss!!! I also feel it was time I completely let go of anything I ever felt for Ahmed. Mother was right "life didn't stop because Ahmed left" I had to completely let go already, it's been six years.

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