Chapter 30

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   I and mother sat down in silence until she decided to talk to ease the tense atmosphere.

  "I found out about Layla, how is she doing" she asked

   "she is getting much better by the day" I said

  "I know you will probably never totally forgive me for all that has happened and it's fine by me but I will live the rest of my life trying to make things right. I know it was very selfish of me and that's why I will never stop asking you to forgive me" she explained with guilt written all over her face but I knew I wasn't planning on staying angry forever.

   "We already talked about this mother" I said

"I know and I regret every of my action towards you and I want you to know that"

    "Mother,  every thing that happened is in the past now and nothing would change that. No matter how much we try." I explained.

   "I really wish I could, I just want you to forgive  me"

  "I think there is one other person you really need to tell this too" I said as I thought about what Zeenat had told me about how the past six years of her life had been.

   "Who is that" she asked

"Zeenat, I really have forgiven you but I think you should talk to her" I said and then mother was silent.

   "I think so too, I have wronged her in so many ways" she said after sometime.

     Few minutes later Mother left and I just sat down on the sofa thinking about all that had happened in the last few days and what I wanted to do next. I already had some thoughts in my head but I just wanted to make sure I was making the right decision.


     It had been days after my reconciliation with Zeenat, everything was perfect. I went to see Layla at least once every day, sometimes I took gifts, sometimes I came with Omar, other times alone. Layla's mum too was beginning to warm up to me again and I guess she was beginning to trust me again. Everyone seemed happy everytime. I also really haven't spoken to Zeenat about Usman before. It was like we tried to avoid that conversation everytime. Even I and Usman had never spoken since everything changed. I never meet him anytime I get to go see Layla. It is either he just left or he hasn't visited yet. It was such a coincidence.

     "Hello" I said as I entered into the ward Layla was in then I saw Usman there with Layla and Zeenat. It all felt awkward as I entered as we all just stayed with saying a word.

    "Daddy" Layla said immediately she sighted me.

    "I just wanted to check on Layla" I said the ease the already tensed atmosphere.

   "I need to go now" Usman suddenly said facing Zee.

   "But you just got here" she said to him

"I just remembered there is something important I need to do at the office right now" he said

   "I thought you were closed for the day" she inquired.

    "It's important I go now, I will see you guys later. Bye Layla" he said, kissing Layla on the cheek.

    "Bye Ahmed" he said, before walking out.

"How is my little pumpkin doing" I said as I walked over to were Layla was.

    "Fine daddy" she said smiling.

"Daddy,  mummy doesn't want to buy me ice cream" Layla said pouting.

   "Is that true" I said facing zee half smiling.

"You spoil her too much" Zee said "she just took one this morning" she added

    "My Layla deserves anything she wants and I want you to give it to her. Even if she wants the world. Plus, it's just ice cream" I said "have you forgotten how much you loved ice cream too" I added facing Layla and then she laughed.

   "Do you want to hear a story about your mum's ice cream escapades" I said facing Layla Layla smiling.

    "No please" Layla said smiling

"yes yes!!! Tell me!! I want to hear" Layla said excitedly.

   "So once upon a time" I started with a dramatic voice.

   "Your mum loved ice cream so much she would do anything for it and when I mean anything, I mean it" I said and I heard Zee chuckle beside me with a smiling Layla in front of me eager to here the story.

    "So a new ice cream shop opened in the neighbourhood, so your mum went there since it was their first opening and your mum wanted to get the discount they were giving out so she went as early as possible. Got the ice cream and left the shop but what she didn't know was that she forgot her phone and her purse which contained money and other things" I said and Layla burst out laughing.

    "How did she get it back" she asked.

"We were attending the same high school so I saw when she left, I picked it for her and hoped she was going to come back for it. So I waited out side the store"

   "That's so nice of you daddy" Layla said with a smile.

   "That was the first time I met your mum, she was such a lovely person so I had no choice but to help" I said as I looked to the side at Zee who smiled a bit.

   "The restaurant had closed but still no sign of her but I hoped she was still going to come back. Few minutes after the store closed I saw her come and then she told me how she had cried till she remembered it could be here she left it. We became friends from then on and for sometime I didn't stop calling her "ice cream girl" I said then Layla laughed

     "that name though, I hated you for it" Zee laughed

    "That's an amazing story, can you tell me other stories of mummy" Layla said smiling

   "I will some other time dear, you should rest now. I will go and get your ice cream for you" I said

   "Thanks daddy"

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