Chapter 6

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As usual,i walked to school with Rubin.Then i heard someone called me."Arim!"i turned around and saw Yeontae.
"Hello Yeontae Sunbae."i greeted him.
"You must be Rubin.I am Yeontae."Yeontae looked at Rubin.
"Hello Yeontae Sunbae."Rubin greeted him.
"I don't know what you like so i bought this for you,thanks alot for yesterday."Yeontae gave me a big Teddy Bear.
"This is so cuteee."i squeled.
"Glad you like it."Yeontae smiled.
"Thank You sunbae."i smiled.
"No problem."We chatted all the way to class,i felt a death glare at me and Yeontae,Rubin was giving a death glare to Yeontae.
"Well i better get going."Yeontae said and i waved goodbye to him.Rubin pulled me to the school garden.
"What's wrong?"i asked.Rubin din't answer.
"Rubinie,tell me what's wrong."i said cutely.Rubin smiled abit.
"What happened yesterday?Why Yeontae sunbae was so kind to you?"Rubin asked.
"Aww my Rubinie is jealous~"i pinched Rubin's cheeks.I explained what happened yesterday.
"Our Arim is so brave~"he said cutely,then he hit me.
"But you would have gotten hurt if you din't learn Taekwondo."i pouted.He pinched my cheeks.
"Our Arim is so cutee."He then held my hand and we went to class,i got alot of death glares from Rubin's fans.
"Don't mind them."He whispered in my ear.

Time skip
Recess Time~
I went to the washroom,suddenly,i was pulled by someone to the back of the washroom.That person pushed me to the wall.I lifted my head and saw that it was my classmates who were Rubin's fans.
"What do you want?"i asked.
"Stay away from our Rubin."one girl name Lisa said.
"He is not only yours ya know.And does he have a tag saying he is yours,did he told the whole world that he is yours."i said,suddenly Jennie slapped me and Lisa kicked my stomach.
"Stay away from Rubin or we will..."
"Hey,what are you guys doing?!"i heard a familiar voice,it wasn't Rubin,it was Yeontae.
"Looks like someone is being heroic here."Jennie grinned.
"Let her go or i will tell the teacher."Yeontae said.
"Trying to threaten us huh."Lisa grabbed her phone and called someone,not long later,two familiar figures came,it was Inho and Sungho sunbae.
"What happened babe?"Sungho put his arm around Lisa's waist.
"Someone is being heroic here."She then pointed at Yeontae.Inho and Sungho smirked.
"Oh shiet we're doomed."Yeontae whispered.
"I'm sorry you had to get into this."i whispered back.
"Cut the whispering already!"Jennie started punching my face."Looks like i have no choice."i then got up and punched Lisa and Jennie in the stomach,both of them fell on the ground.
"Ouch,it hurts~"Lisa whined and Sungho ran to her.
"Why you b****!!!"Sungho ran to me and i kick his stomach,Inho then charged at me but i dodged and he lost grip and fell on the floor.
"You'll get it from us next time!!!"Jennie groaned and the four of them left.
"Thanks for saving me again."Yeontae rubbed the back of his neck.
"Nah,i should thank you."i smiled.His arm was bleeding.
"Sunbae,you're bleeding."i quickly took him to the nurse room.I received multiple texts from Rubin.

Arim where are you?!

I am at the nurse room.


re you ok?!
I'll be right over.

Few minutes later Rubin arrived with the gang.
"Arim you ok?"Hwayoung asked.
"What happened?!"Chloe asked.
"Woah guys chill."i said,they saw Yeontae Sunbae on the bed.I explained what happened.
"That b****!"Hwayoung said angrily.
"They are so mean!!"Mia said.
"Arim,Your face has alot of bruises!!!"Rubin said and rushed to search for the first aid kit.
"Its fine guys i'm...Ouchhh"i wanted to get up but my stomach was hurting,then i saw bruises on my stomach.
Rubin found the first aid kit and ran to me.He sat across me and cure my bruises and wounds.
"Rubin."i called him.
"Thank you."he finished curing my wound,he hugged me tightly.
"Pabo,next time don't get hurt,its hurts me so much seeing you get injured. "Tears flow from his eyes.
"We are gonna give you guys some space."Hwayoung said and left with the gang.
"Promise me don't ever get hurt."Rubin broke the hug,i wiped the tears from his eyes.He suddenly leaned closer and i felt a soft lips on mine.I wrapped my arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss.
"Umm Arim..oh..."Yeontae was about to call me but then he saw what was happening.I broke the kiss.
"Umm...thanks for helping me just now."he rubbed his neck.
"No problem."He left the room.
"Let's go home."I intertwined my hands with Rubin's.
To be continued~

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