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First of all I'll thank those who took out some time and thought of giving this story a try. I've been reading a hell lot of stories on wattpad and this is sort of different from the others. I hope this will be worth your time reading. Its just a short story so I hope y'all like it. If you even find it slightly interesting please leave a vote or comment. Thank you! xxx


Growing up as a Bengali girl has it's own perks; both amazing and devastating. Especially when you're Bengali. It's like a cherry on top of a cake. I might sound sarcastic and like hell I am, but that statement is partially true.

We Bengali's live a very different life from those who belong to foreign countries. We have limited opportunities, limited freedom, the towering shadow of the society that we live in, the constant threats of what other people might say, and the most amazing pair of Bengali parents.

When I say parents, it's not that I'm not grateful for having them. Of course I am, but at some stages of your life you find them looming around your head like those monsters with yellow eyes emerging from the shadows of the bathroom. Real scary.

When I say opportunities or freedom, it's not like we are caged like a bird but we do have some prior limitations to stick to. For instance, if you come home late any day from a friend's birthday party, let's say at around eight at night, you're awarded with the most beautiful glares and screaming for the next twenty four hours unnecessarily even though you have a good explanation for being late. Unfortunately you've no right to defend yourself because that would label you as 'beyadob' which means insolent and so the explanation goes down somewhere in a sewage. Effective communication.

We have a lot to consider about what 'other people might say' or 'what the society might think'. Trust me, it gives me headache of the year. You cannot simply go around and do something that might sound fun to you but in reality is a disapproving activity to the society. I know, we are awesome with the society and the people living in it. Not.

However, we don't regret our lives because we have grown up to adapting our culture. These are the same parents that love you more than anyone in the world. These limited freedom that does not turn you up as a hippie, instead you learn to use your time effectively instead of wasting it away. This is the same society and people that will stand for you whenever you're in trouble even though it's the least of their concern.

Life is not perfect as a Bengali, but it's not that awful either. Things just turn out to be going downfall for a period of time.

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