A Beauty's Eye

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"Mom!" I yelled... as I entered our town house. I didn't get any reply, I flicked the light switch on but all I received was the sound of the flick. "fuck!"

I mumbled to myself, the lights are off again. Oh, where are my manners, my name is China, China Monroe. i'm 5'2 cocoa brown skin, with long curly hair.

My eyes are green and Cat like I inherited that from my grandmother Ava. When I'm walking down the street or at the park many people compliments me about my eyes and how beautiful they are but I'd say their blind because if they had my eyes they wouldn't believe the things I've seen with them, My beautiful eyes.

They don't see the hurt nor the struggle, they can't even see nor bare the pain. I have braces and I wear glasses, most people think I'm weird so you can pretty much guess, how school goes for me. you know, there are some really cruel people and harsh too.

I get bullied and girls who think their to cute love to pick fights with me for absolutely no reason at all. Not even my deep dimples can give me a reason to smile. My mom is barely around she come whenever she pleases so most of the times it's just me and my brother Corelle. I call him Chino because we look alike just picture me without my cat eyes. it was almost time for me to go get Corelle from school so I started walking, by the time I arrived at the school the bell had already sounded for their release.

Three minutes later Chino was running towards me. "Chinca Chinca" "Hey baby, how was school today?" "I got an A on my spelling test today" "awesome, you keep up the good work I might just have something for you" silenced graced the moment. So I knew something was on his mind. "What's up papi, what's on your mind?" "is mommy home?" I grabbed his hand and bent down. "look Chino I know things are not the same and mommy Is not the same, I know you miss her being around all the time but things are going to get better. I promise. we're all each other GOT and I promise no matter what I will always be there for you and until mommy gets better I will take care of you ok. I love you" "I love you too" "now what do you want to eat for dinner?" "pizza" he said with a smile. "I think I can make that happen" I only had ten dollars to my name and he wants pizza.

My mom went through a terrible melt down after our dad died, it feels like her whole demeanor changed. She turned into a straight alchoholic and it made her do stupid things. One time she almost burned the house down so Chino and I had to jump out of the second story window, when I jumped I got cut really bad on my lower back. and if she forgot to get Chino from school she'll blame it on me and I'll take a ass whooping that was out of this world. But the stories just get worse from here. On our way home I stopped at a seven eleven corner store.

I told Chino to wait outside, he nodded and abided. I hated stealing and if I was going to be a role model to Chino then I couldn't let him see what I was about to do. I hate stealing, I really do but I got to do what I have to do for us. I took three small candles and a lighter and stuffed them in my inside pocket of my jacket. "Can I help you" I heard a strong husky voice call out from behind me. "i-uh i-I was looking for a case of dominos" I hesitated. "well we don't sell those here" "thank you sir" I was almost to the door when the man yelled" hey" I started trembling as I turned around. "yes" "You dropped something" he bent down, picked my 10 dollars up and handed it to me. At that moment I felt bad for stealing from him cause he could have easily taken my money. "thank you so much" I said taking my ten dollars and fleeing. "let's go" when we reached home I helped Chino with his homework and then I did my homework, when I finished I took Chino next door to Mrs.Pearl because it was getting to late for him to be walking the streets.

I was scared as shit when i walked passed a group of boys dressed in all black. "Psss, hey lil mama" i just ignored them cause i know how boys can get. "Oh you ignoring me now?" I just kept walking i don't even know you i thought to myself.

I saw him past the blunt that was in his hands to another guy and then he walked up behing me i just continued to walk. Oh so you ignoring me now, he said as he grabbing my arms. "Come on man i don't even know you leave me the fuck alone" "shut up bitch" he said as he slapped me. "You gone suck some dick today" he grabbed me by my hair and practically yanking my hair from it's scalp. "Ayo B chill" one of the boys called out, by this time i was crying. "Shut the fuck up, i got this. This bitch finna suck some dick today" he started unzipping his pants and he gave Me the most sinister look i've ever seen and it scared the shit out of me.

I started crying even louder. "Please, please. Don-" he cut me off with a fist to my dome."Bitch didn't i say shut the fuck up" his crew started laughing, it was only one boy in particular that wasnt too please with it. "Ayo B leave the girl alone she ain't do shit to you man" When B turned around to retaliate i went for it. I grabbed him by his balls and twisted them as hard as i could, i thought his shit was about to rip off.

When he hollard. I saw his boys comming towards me, but the guy that told B to cut it out pulled out his pistol and pointed it at them. "Step the fuck back niggas, yall nasty as fuck." I then grabbed a big rock that was on the ground and strucked him with it. After my Third blow the guy that pulled the gun out approached me. "That's enough ma, you good" he grabbed the rock from me and helped me to my feet. I looked at the guys behind the one that helped me and shook my head in disgust. I started walking away but stopped and turned around. " i could have been y'all little sister, i could have been y'all daughter. I shook my head. "Thank you" "no problem ma, you need a ride?" "no i'm fine". When i got out of sight i damn near raned to the pizza joint. When i walked in the pizza joint all eyes were on me , i felt like i was Tupac. Breathing heavy i walked to the counter and ordered one Large pepperoni pizza. I couldn't believe my eyes when i realized the guy taking my order was Daine.

I know you guys are wondering who the fuck is Daine??? Well Daine is the best Quaterback any school can ask for but he belongs to my school football team i got real insecure at the moment . I didn't want him seeing me like this. My lip busted, my eye busted "That'll be 10.95 ma'am" i looked down and pulled out a ten dollar bill, i was so overwhelmed i didn't say anything. There was a long pause and then he started to look around. He cleared his throat. "Will that be all ma'am" no response i just nodded my head. When he handed me the pizza I left I know I should have said thank you but I couldn't speak. When I arrived home with the pizza I lite the candles and cleaned my face up before going next door to get Corelle. "Thanks Ms.Pearl i really appreciate you watching Corelle" "no problem sweety is everything ok?" "Yes everything is ok" and on that note we left. After we ate our pizza and got our showers out the way it was off to bed for us.

I was in a deep sleep when i heard noises comming from the living room. I got up and to my surprise it was our mom just as i suspected she was drunk and off balance she was staggering so i helped her to her seat. "What happened to the lights" "i'll tell you what happened to the lights, someone forgot to pay the bill. Chino was looking for you today, he got an A on his spelling test and he wanted to show you." "Good for him" "WHAT happened to you mom!" I raised my voice then lowered it when i realized that Chino was asleep. "You think i'm crazy bitch" "no i'm just say-" she cut me off. " you was just sayin what?. You must think um crazy since somethings wrong with me" "Mommy your never home, i do everything by myself. All i'm saying is that your not the mom i used to know and i miss her dearly, thats all" "FUCK YOU BITCH, FUCK EVERYBODY" "Ma you need help, let me help you" "I don't need help, i'm perfectly fine." She took another sip of the liquor that was in her hand. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it from her. "Mom give it to me before chino wakes up and see you like this" "leave me the fuck alone" i backed up and we just starred at each other she picked up the glass bottle and threw it towards me, I ducked.

The glass hit the wall and shattered everywhere"Don't you ever question me in my fucking house" i new my mom had changed a great deal after she looked at me and started laughing hysterically. "Goodnight mommy, i love you"

I cried. I cried because i don't know what the hell is going on. I went to check up on Chino. He was breathing heavy so i grabbed his inhaler and pumped two times then i went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water "Here drink this tomorrow your going on the machine." I kissed him on his forehead and told him everythings okay. "You feel better?" He just nodded his head and i rocked him to sleep.

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