Demigods Exist?

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Harry POV: (AN: After The Battle of Hogwarts)

We got invited back to repeat our grade. All of the school did. Ginny was in 6th year again, and "The Golden Trio" as everyone calls me, Ron, and Hermione, are in 7th. But it... it's hard, being in the halls and walking past places friends died. I can barely walk into the Great Hall,because that is where a lot of people died. Remus and Tonks, for example. And the hall where Fred died....well, we all come close to tearing up. Malfoy is here again, and the little jerk is as smug as always. Anyway, when we had gotten into the GH and sat at the Gryffindor table, Professor McGonagall made an announcement.

"Attention students! We will be having some...visitors this year. They are from America. Now, who knows about Greek and Roman Mythology?"

Of course, nearly all the Ravenclaws-and Hermione- raised their hands.

"Good, you'll be prepared. For those of you who don't know, the Ancient Greeks and Romans believed in several gods. 12 major gods, known as the Olympians, and many minor gods. The Romans had hundreds. These Olympians-In Greek Times- were called Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Athena, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Dionysus, Hermes, Artemis,and Apollo. Some say that Hestia is still an Olympian, even though she gave up her throne to Dionysus." Every time she said a gods name, a picture of them appeared on a banner beside her. "The Romans changed the names, and edited the gods as well. Zeus was Jupiter, Poseidon was Neptune, Hades was Pluto, Hera was Juno, Athena was Minerva, Hephaestus was Vulcan, Aphrodite was Venus, Ares was Mars, Dionysus was Bacchus, Hermes was Mercury, Artemis was Diana, and Apollo, well, his name didn't change. Hestia, she was called Vesta."

"Why do we need to know this?" Malfoy shouted across the hall.

"Excellent question, Mr.Malfoy. Why do you need to know this? These gods are the parents of our visitors. Each visitor has one godly parent. Some Roman, others Greek. They should arrive in a few days. Until then, classes continue as normal."

-3 days later-

The whole school gathered on the grounds to wait for the visitors. As we .watched, large shapes appeared, slowly getting larger. The pegasi landed in front of us. A guy with shaggy black hair got off the lead one, a pure black stallion....pegasus. He put his head next to the pegasus and muttered to him. He grinned, shook his head, and turned to the blonde girl on the pegasus, helping her down. The other guy got off of his pegasus, grinning like a madman.

"Percy, where are the others?" He asked. The other guy turned.

"Uh, should be here soon, Leo. I dunno."

The Leo guy turned to us. "Hey Perce! They're wearing funny robes. Look!"

The girl smacked him in the back of the head. "Leo! Be nice!"

He rubbed his head. "Jeez, you're worse than Piper."

The girl opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly thunder sounded. Everyone looked up. Lightning raced across the sky. A smoky horse with two people appeared in front of us. A blond guy hopped off and helped the girl sitting behind him off. Before I could get over the shock that they had basically ridden the wind here, a trail of steam shot out across the lake, and a horse stopped in front of us, carrying an Asian boy and an African-American girl. The boy looked queasy from the ride, but the girl looked happy and jumped off. She looked about 13, he 16. They guy slid off the back of the horse and fell. The guy who got off the lead pegasus snickered and helped him up.

McGonagall cleared her throat. "Care to introduce yourselves?" They turned.

The lead guy stepped up and grinned. When he shook his hair out of his eyes, I saw that he had sea green eyes, like mine. He waved. "Hey guys. I'm Percy-" The blonde girl hit his shoulder. He glared at her, then turned back to us. "Perseus Jackson. Don't call me Perseus, just call me Percy." He turned to the girl."Happy now? Anyway, my father is Poseidon, god of the seas."

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