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Important author's note

I opened my eyes slowly and tried to access where i was.  My head was hurting and i couldn't move my body. I opened my mouth to call for help but a duck tape was comfortably laying there. I looked around and i was in some kind of warehouse. I was strapped to a office chair which was was currently being suspended about what look like a tank full of water. My eyes widened and i tried my best not to struggle so i wouldn't fall.

"Finally you're awake", scorpion stated and then smiled. "I have everything planned out sweet and don't worry today is going to be the final showdown. Let's just say it's going to be a Romeo and Juliet kind of senerio .... We'll see how far Marco will go just to protect you''  he walked towards a chair and picked up a remote. "If i press this button.... It's bye bye baby''. He laughed like a Maniac and then looked at his watch. "I guess they'll be arriving in 3....2...1" a large siren rang and then he smiled "bingo" he signalled to his boys to leave and then he went back and sat on the chair, the remote that could possibly end my life resting comfortably in his palms.


We kept following Scorpion's tracker until we reached a warehouse. There was about 50 men waiting at the entrance. "Armour up boys. I want you to kill each and everyone of these bastards do you understand me!" I shouted. I knew it was going to be easy and Mia didn't have enough time.  "Yes Boss!" They all responded. the men started firing at our cars and then it became a blood bath. The fight was getting intense and there was still no sign of Scorpion and Mia. I knew they were  inside the warehouse and i just had to get in there.  "Cover me!" I started running towards the entrance while shots were ringing around me. I  opened the door and ran inside. My eye immediately found Mia's and she was suspended in the air with a large tank below her. I was about to run toward her when Scorpion stood up
"I wouldn't do that if i were you" he held up a remote  "you see if i press this button she falls so you know the drill. Put down your weapon" I looked at scorpion with disdain and did as he Instructed. "Let her go scorpion, this is between you and i" and scorpion shook his head  "oh no she's also involved Marco, you got her into this it's not my fault it's yours" he walked towards me and punched me. It stung but i didn't show any pain. " You see Marco i get to hurt you but you dare not hurt me or else I get to press the button"  he kept hitting me but i didn't let any pain show. He wasn't satisfied and shouted in rage as i wasn't giving him the satisfaction of being in pain.

"Boss!" Before i could react Devon pulled the trigger and the bullet hit scorpion's chest. He staggered back and then pressed the button. I couldn't movie as Mia plunge into the tank and it watch in horror as the opening on top closed so she was trapped in the tank. I ran towards Scorpion " how do i open it!" I gave him a punch" how do i open it!"  Scorpion opened his eyes groggily. He coughed out blood. " You don't think I'd make it that easy for you" he whispered and then closed his eyes. I shook him again and he jerked awake "where is the key!" He laughed and coughed " oh let her die, after all i will need a companion to  journey with me in the after life. I stopped up and ran to the tank were Devon was trying to open it.  Mia was passed out and i knew i didn't have much time. I started to punch the glass while Devon shot at it but nothing worked. My hand were bloodied and i ran back to scorpion and picked up the remote by his side . I kept pressing different buttons but nothing seemed to work. For the first time i felt so helpless and felt my eyes water. Devon ran towards me and looked at the remote. He took it from me and started to examine it. His eyes narrowed and then he broke the remote. I looked at him shocked but the tank slid open. I immediately ran up the stairs and dived in the tank. Devon came in after me and together we lifted the chair up and out of the tank. Devon quickly picked the lock and i began mouth to mouth.

"Common Baby common Mia breathe for me please" I whisper pressing down on her chest and hoping she responds to it. After what felt like hours she coughed out excess water and i sighed in relief and hugged her. I was grateful for the water on my face because i didn't want to show Devon that i was actually crying. "M-marco" Mia whispered and i hugged her tighter. "It's me, I'm so sorry for coming late please forgive me" i picked her up bridal style and walked towards the exit. The battle was over. We won and from now one I'm going to show MIa just how much she means to me


Hey guys sorry I've not updated in a long time but I was having trouble with my account. I'm so glad I've resolved it.

Thank you so much for being patient. I love you all. Also I'm thinking of changing the title of this book after it's done so stay tuned. The book cover is already ready and I'll debut it soon.
The cover was made by an amazing person  Thank you all once again and like i said. If you want to ask me any questions fell free to PM me

Meanwhile please check out efitapassion20 work and if you can follow.



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