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Here is my interview with GypsyFair! She is a legend!!!!!!

So how are you?

I'm pretty good, thanks!

So who inspires you to write?

I'm not really inspired by anyone; I'm more inspired by the power of words.

And who are your favourite writers on Wattpad?

Definitely VivaLaPotter, Bauhinia and NamelessOne. All authors of some pretty damn amazing Harry Potter fan fictions.

So, if you could take one of your characters out for the day who, where and what would you do?

I'd want to spend time with Scorpius! Cute, sweet and smart, what else? We'd probably go do something super weird like go to the library. Though, I wouldn't mind Harry himself.....

Now can you tell our readers any cool facts about yourself? Hobbies? Hidden talents? Maybe a top 10 facts?

Ten facts, ooh okay!

1. Everyone thinks my name is Ellie, it's actually Elouise

2. I live in the second most isolated capital city in the world

3. I am utterly obsessed with Harry Potter, it is my life.

4. I play the cello, even though my cello is extremely out of tune and I haven't had it tuned for over six months.

5. I would love to be an actor/author

6. I want to marry Matt Lewis, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Tom Felton - yes, all of them.

7. I hate sport. It can go die in a hole along with homework.

8. It is my dream to move to England and publish a book.

9. One day I will meet the cast of Harry Potter, one day.

10. I'm obsessed with Wine Gums (which unfortunately aren't sold in Australia), Tim Tams and Nesquik

And finally if you could work with one published author who would it be and why?

JK Rowling by FAR! She's the most amazing woman in the world, 'nuff said.

Well Thanks so much and good luck!!

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