The Temple

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Antarctic Mountains 1938, Three months after annexation of Austria into the Reich,
Sixty years before the fall of the Old Republic,

The two German explorers trudged through the show determined to reach the South Pole and place the flag of the Reich in its snow claiming it for the fatherland. "Quite a bit of snow eh?" Dieter said, Fritz didn't reply scanning around hoping to find somewhere they could to rest. He spotted an inlet of ice " over there we'll wait for the storm to pass" he said. Fritz couldn't feel his legs or feet and wanted to rest hoping to be able to rub them getting some feeling back, the snow was packed tightly mostly from the cold and ice, then there was the wind chill of -13F making his nose burn. Upon reaching the inlet he leaned against the ice wall as did Dieter, "ah I thought it was cold in Bavaria this time of year" Dieter commented breathing into his hands rubbing them together.

Fritz reached into his pocket taking out a cigarette from the pack striking a match lighting it taking a puff tossing the used match aside into the snow which sizzled a little although barely audible against the wind that howled slightly. "More like Switzerland, my brother and his wife said it was snowing non stop in Zurich last winter" Fritz commented. Dieter chuckled before the ice behind him suddenly gave way causing him to tumble down a chasm of some sort, Fritz threw his cigarette down "Dieter!" He yelled looking down the hole. He reached into his pack taking out a flashlight turning it on illuminating the cavern,

The light from the flashlight reflected off water on rocks that seemed to have been carved out based on their design, Fritz was confused then shined the light down to see peering down another smaller cave further down "Fritz I've found something!" Dieter called out. Fritz carefully made his way down the sloped cave floor the air smelling of ice and muck, "what did you find?" He inquired his pace slowing, " down there's stairs" Fritz said pointing, Fritz had a confused look on his face thinking the young man was mistaking a natural rock formation for something manmade, but when he shined the light down he nearly dropped it.

There was a staircase, "give me your flare" Fritz said holding his hand out not breaking his gaze on the stairs in case something jumped out, Dieter fumbled through his pack then handed Fritz the flare which he ignited tossing it into the darkness. The flares red light reflected off icy walls of stone forming what looked like a hallway then stopped at the bottom, "let's investigate this" Fritz said drawing his Walter P-38 pistol and charging it with a *click click* then going first, the flare still burned only having about thirty seconds left.

Fritz shined the light around seeing carvings in the walls of beings holding swords and based on the design of the carving the beings were holding beams of light as if it were a sword. He looked at the carving studying it, there was also some sort of writing in a language he didn't recognize but had English looking letters next to them, the temperature seemed to somehow increase now to approximately 70F. Dieter gasped "uh Fritz" peering down the other staircase, Fritz turned going down the other stairs and was stopped dead in his tracks "my god" he said.

There was a massive cave maybe thirteen stores tall but the walls were flattened as if some intelligent beings had been here before. He shined the light to see there were names carved, they were European, Slavic and Asian in appearance all written in English. "What the hell is this place?" Dieter asked frantically, "I don't know,but we'd best report this when we return to Berlin",

January 1939,Berlin,Germany three months later
Doctor Colonel Hans Von Rolf of the SS was at his desk signing various orders to be approved by his cousin Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler head of the SS charged with the securities and preservation of the fatherland and the Führer. His adjutant walked in clicking his heels "sir there's two gentlemen here to see you", "what for?" Von Rolf said looking at his wristwatch mentally budgeting his time to fill out more orders "they said then were directed to you by the University in regard to a unusual matter in the Antarctic tundra" the adjutant said in his high toned voice, Von Rolf replied "send them in" putting the cap of his pen on setting it aside.

Two men returned a moment later, Von Rolf stood up "welcome to Berlin gentlemen" shaking their hands "please sit" he said gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. The two sat down "my name is Fritz Speer and this is my nephew Dieter " the older man said, Von Rolf asked "what is it that you found there making you run back up north", the two looked at each other nervously "we made a discovery of some kind, it was a temple of intelligent design" Fritz said, Von Rolf was dissmive and looked so. "You must think I'm insane" Fritz said. Von Rolf was tempted to say so "go on then if you're telling the truth I'll look into if not you'll be arrested" Von Rolf said.

After the two left Von Rolf looked over the photographs they left in shock, there were walls covered in names. Knowing this could be useful information he picked up the telephone tapping it twice, "connect me to the War Ministry" he said as the operator connected. "Ja this is Jodl" the General replied, "General Jodl this is Colonel Von Rolf of the SS I've some information that'd be very interesting to the Führer" Von Rolf replied picking up the picture with the sunlight reflecting off the plastic sheen.

"What is this information Colonel? it'd better be important the Führer is a busy man you know" Jodl said, "inform him that this is the cousin of Reichsführer Himmler and these documents I've been handed from the Antarctic expedition have revealed something extraordinary and we must investigate this" Von Rolf said and there was a long pause and he almost regretted having said all that", , Alright Colonel Von Rolf I will see what can be done, are you able to head over to the Chancellery by around three this afternoon?" Jodl asked, Von Rolf went through his day and knew his duty to the Führer came first but this was part of it "yes I can thank you sir" then hung up.

Reich Chancellory,
Von Rolf strode into the building with some other officers stopping to salute him as he passed which he returned with a verticality placed open palm. Two officers of the Gestapo were at a desk leading to the Führer's office, "papers please" one said and Von Rolf reached into his pocket handing the paperback passport like papers to the officer, he overlooked them for a few seconds handing them back. "The Führer will see you now follow me" the man said standing up,

Von Rolf followed him down the polished marble halls to a set of two large oak doors with a guard dressed in a black uniform with a swastika armband holding a Kar98 rifle in both hands in front of their feet. The officer opened the doors stepping in clicking his heels " My Führer Colonel Von Rolf is here to see you", then looked back, Von Rolf walked in his chest tightening up then clicked his heels standing at attention, the Führer stood by his desk "ah Herr Von Rolf please come in I've been told you have some special information for me" the Führer said in his deep Austrian accented voice.

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