Chapter 2

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Von Rolf stepped toward the Führer unsure of what he'd be told "now what is it that's brought you here from the interior ministry Colonel?" Hitler asked cupping his hands together, Von Rolf gulped then spoke up "I've received a report of the Antarctic exploration Mein Führer the two explorers found something remarkable", and held his briefcase which he opened pulling the file out and handing it over to Hitler who looked it over before walking back to his desk, Von Rolf got closer as Hitler undid the strings and pulled the pictures out putting his spectacles on.

The Führer looked them over slowly clearly intrigued by them, "I was wondering if you may authorize a return expedition sir there might be artifacts there that'll help in the war to come" Von Rolf said, Hitler put the pictures back in the folder removing his spectacles "I will take your request into consideration Colonel though I must say with Case White a few months away it may prove difficult but this will help us".

Three Months Later,
Escorted by SS solders Von Rolf went down into the cave which had ferroconcrete poured in as a hall with lights lining up, many civilian staff and military passed by him as he went down and entered the large chamber. It was amazing, lights on posts went down thirty yards with many desks, off to the sides large heaters pumped hot air to keep the place around 74 degrees Fahrenheit much more than the outside weather, initially Von Rolf worried they'd be detected by British or French ships as they'd passed their African colonies but a strong storm had provided cover for them. Von Rolf hadn't been on a ship for many years after leaving the Reichsnavy when the National Socialist movement had gained momentum, another was he'd lost someone dear on a ship. Walking over to a wall he picked out a name and scribbled it down in his journal, Shawn Mendes,

Southampton April 1912
The massive ships whistle blared loudly echoing all around as it departed. Hans and his mother watched as his father waved from the deck Hugh above along with the other crowds waving to their family members, his father hoped to make an investment in America seeing the growing economy of the Gilded Age. Hans wanted to go to America so badly but his father had said "now now Hans you may be fourteen but you still have the energy of a small child the seas would drive you mad".the whistle sounded again as the ship passed by. Hans spotted the name painted on its long eight hundred foot hull, Titanic, it read whilst the ship slowly moved out of the harbor, that was the last time he ever saw his father.

Von Rolf always held the belief that ship was sabotaged by Jews or other Untermënschen as they were defined under the Nuremberg Laws, he'd bought into the dogma that the Jews had made Germany lose the war and that they controlled the western democracies. Even now as he met with his cousin Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, Von Rolf still held these beliefs high. "Cousin" he greeted and Himmler looked up from his desk smiling setting down his pen, "cousin" he replied standing up and hugging him, "my god Hans you've certainly achieved much in these last few months" Himmler said, "especially now that we're at war, the Führer is happy to say the Blitzkrieg of Poland is complete, but now the British and French have declared war on us and with the Russians on our side it's important we see to your special interest".

He sat down behind his desk and Von Rolf sat across from him, "well, we could use some well known figures in possibly investigating the uh, alien images" Von Rolf said, "perhaps we could reach out to the Americans to repatriate Dr Einstein". "Einstein is a Jew Hans, besides the Führer doesn't wish for delays, only Germans will be allowed in this project no Italians or Japanese" Himmler said, "the Foreign Ministry as well" Von Rolf said, "why them? No foreigners-" Himmler started but Von Rolf cut him off. "I meant in tracing down some of these names, look" he said reaching in his uniforms pocket and opening it up to the name.

"Where does that name sound like it's from?" Von Rolf asked, Himmler studied it, "I'd say somewhere of Latin or Romance related in general", "the Foreign Ministry could help us find them, say it's for a German based international survey or census,for Britain and France we reach out via our neutral embassies and find out who these are, besides they looked very old,centuries if not". "With of course separating the Jews and undesirables from those who are Aryan or Germanic", "good I don't want one Jew being recorded, if any are German Jews that could be used to hunt then down like the rats they are and put them where they belong" Himmler said sinisterly.

"Of course cousin, I will get to this right away" Von Rolf said standing up, "oh one more thing" Himmler called out, "the Führer wishes that you scout out possible places of interest", "and to return down there as soon as you can". Von Rolf replied " perhaps the Führer is unaware that the British Royal Navy controls the Atlantic from Greenland to South Africa", "ah, but that's where you are wrong" Himmler said, "we will send you aboard a Argentinian cargo ship to Buenos Aires and from there a resupply vessel to the base".

**** April 1940
Himmler however failed to mention that Germany's naval power could not be matched by that of Britain, and therefore the entire facility was without resupply for two weeks before another convoy arrived. Von Rolf often paced the cave while the hundreds of crew members went about their duties of recording the names on typewriters or exploring further in the cave. Upon his tenth time venturing down a particular part of the cave he stumbled across an inscription of some kind. The language was of Latin in appearance although it was the language that gave root to Latin, it was written in Etruscan. Von Rolf had studied Latin during his time as a student at Oxford and could make out a few words, Savior.... wield....great power.....Darkness.....light.....Jedi. The words made little sense to him, but the word, "Jedi" especially didn't, for he hadn't ever heard that before.

      "Sergeant Major", Von Rolf called out. The officer walked over and clicked his heels, "yes sir?" He asked. "Have this inscription telegraphed to Berlin, I want it to be interpreted as soon as possible", Von Rolf stated. The officer clicked his heels, "at once Sir" before walking away. Von Rolf headed more down the dimly lit smaller cave and saw more illustrations of men wielding swords of light clashing in a great battle, along with inscriptions in to Von Rolf's surprise, English. On this world, the Jedi and Sith will clash in one of their many wars, and a weapon with the power of a hundred suns shall be unleashed upon its spawn,the inscription said. None of this cave made sense to Von Rolf, in his mind he expected to find something that proved the supremacy of the Aryan race over the non-Germanic people's Of the world. He wouldn't stop until he did find that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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