Hi my name is Diana Ris. Today is my first day at my new high school, which is weird if you consider how I got into the school. Pretty much my mother was coming home from work when a weird guy stops her in the street and handed her an application to a high school that accepts even low test scores. My mom pretty much forced me to go; I mean I didn’t think my grades were that bad, but the rest is history. Now I’m on my way to Crest High School yeah I know weird name for a school, but I’m going to be living in the dorms there because the commute from school to home is too far.
Chapter 1
I just get to the bus stop when the bus pulls up. “Crest High School” the bus driver says. I shake my head yes and get on noticing I was the only one on the bus. I sit near the back and stare out the window until we get there. “Now stopping at Crest High School” I hear the bus driver say. I get my stuff together and climb off the bus to see I’m standing next to a cemetery. I look back at the bus driver “why are we at a cemetery.” He laughs and points up ahead “the school is father up but this is as far as the bus goes” I wonder why he is laughing and look to where he is pointing where I see an outline of a building. I shake my head and hear the bus leaving, well no turning back now.
I start walking up the road or path more like it to the school when I hear a noise in the woods. I stop and look around me “is anyone there” I say not getting a response. I start walking again but this time a little faster when I hear the noise again but this time closer. “Whoever you are this is not funny, I..I.I got pepper spray” I say. I hear the noise getting closer and closer when a guy busts out of the trees tripping and knocking me down. “Ow” I say noticing I scraped my hand on a rock. “I’m so sorry” says the guy on the ground in front of me. He pulls me to my feet when he notices I’m bleeding “I’m so sorry, are you ok” he says again. “I’m fine it’s just a scratch” I say. He looks so sad like a puppy “Hi, my name is Marcel Styles and you are and will you be my first friend” he says holding out a hand to shake. “I’m Diana Ris and sure” I say shaking his hand then realize I’m using the bloody hand. “Oh sorry” I start to say and pull my hand from his but he grips my hand harder pulling it to his lips and licking it. I forcefully pull my hand from his blushing and run away leaving him there, what a weird guy. I head to my room and put my stuff up luckily I have a room to myself. I get settled in and go to bed because it has been a long and weird day.
----------------------------------------------Next Day-------------------------------------------------------------------
I get ready for school and head to class. The bell rings to signal the start of class “everybody get settled and be quiet” says the teacher. When Marcel comes in the class looking embarrassed “Class already started go sit down somewhere” the teacher says. Marcel looks around for an empty seat when he notices me and smiles and waves before tripping over some books making the class laugh. He gets up and hurries to his seat which I notice was next to me. “ok before I was interrupted I was saying my name is Katy Purr and im your teacher, hear at this school we teach you how to be normal in the human world” she says. I look at her like shes crazy, what does she mean be normal in the human world. “we are supernatural creatures and humans don’t take kindly to things they do not understand, you will be learning how to act, talk and pretty much be human at this school” the teacher says. “hey teacher, you know it’s a rule to stay in human form during school right” says someone. But I wasn’t listening because in front of me was my teacher with a tail and ears. Omg omg I start to freak out. But what the teacher says next freezes me “students remember it is illegal for a human to come to the demon world and any human found must be reported and killed.” I really start to freak out then when Marcel looks at me “are you okay?” he says. I nod yes and decide to finish the day and leave as soon as I can without getting caught.
--------------------------sorry i started a new story, im stuck on my narry story and my bro gave me idea for a new one, hope you like ------------------------------------------------------------------