The Party

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Gene: Damn tonight is going to be lit!

Paul: yeah i guess so. Any special people to come?

Gene: Well my little sister asked to come. Do you got a problem with it?

Paul: no i don't think so, she isn't annoying isn't she?

Gene: What? Just because she's a "little sister" she does not have to be annoying. *sigh* No she is pretty cool.

Paul: Ok. Let's get ready.

Mike: hey guy's!

Gene & Paul: hey dude.

Mike: Let's get crazy!!

*every member of the Club havin' a good time. Then Mary steps in*

Gene: Hey M!

Mary: Oh hey big bro whassup

Gene: Nothing much. Wanna drink something?

Mary: yah

*Paul comes over*

Paul: hey Gene do you have a lighter?

Gene: umm.. Yah sure

Paul: *Looks at mary* oh. Hello

Mary: *thinks oh my god what the fuck how can someone be so damn beautiful* umm.. Hey *blushes*

Paul: You must be Mary right?

Mary: Yes, and who are you?

Paul: Oh how rude of me. My name is Paul.

Mary: Oh yeah i heard very much about you. Nice to meet you

Paul: Oh you did? I hope just the good things *laughs*

Gene: *Rolls eyes* excuse me M i have to talk to Paul.

*they both go outside the club where they have a huge garden with a swimming Pool*

Gene: Paul, are you flirting with my sister?

Paul: um.. I don't know..

Gene: Paul i know you and i don't want you to get to close to her okay. I don't want her to be hurt. You go ahead and fuck your sluts but not my baby sister. Paul you are my brother but this is serious.

Paul: Don't forget about breathing dude. Listen, i think mary is really beautiful okay but nothing more.

Gene: i'm just sayin'

Paul: Stop trippin' man.

*they go inside and both are taking a seat besides Mary*

Mary: what were you guy's talkin' about?

Paul: Oh just Biker things.

*3 Hours later everyone havin' a good time and Mary talks to her best friend Shannon who is in love with Gene*

Mary: Girl do you see this guy? *points at Paul*

Shannon: yeah sure, what's up with him?

Mary: he's so damn hot oh my god.

Shannon: go get him.

Mary: nah. I think i'm not his type.

Shannon: what? He keeps looking at you the whole time.

Mary: really? But.. I don't know he's the best friend of Gene and he told me not that good things about him.

Shannon: what do you mean?

Mary: well i guess he's not the type for Love.. More the type for "Oh you look good i wanna fuck you" you know.

Shannon. Oh.. God damned. Why always the hot ones? I'm going to get a Drink, want one too?

Mary: Yes please, a sex on the Beach.

*Shannon leaves and Mary is sitting alone at the table. Paul sees it and goes over to her*

Paul: Hey :)

Mary: oh, hey :)

Paul: hey umm.. Can i ask you something?

Mary: umm.. Yeah sure

Paul: I know Gene told you that i'm an asshole with women and stuff but.. Umm.. I'm not good at that

Mary: come on just say it

Paul: okay.. Well can i have your phone number?

Mary: umm.. Okay yes *gives him her number*

Paul: thank you. I'm gonna call you :)

Mary: okay :)

*Shannon returns and Paul leaves*

Shannon: what was that?

Mary: oh nothing he jus' asked me for my phone number.

Shannon: hmmm.. Okay.

*they drinking their drink and then decided to leave. Mary said good bye to Gene and they both leave*

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