Caught |Chapter 4|

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The short male quickly jumped from tree to tree, at this point in time boss would already have the demon Butler on his hands. The humongous mansion slowly formed in sight. The stoic male smirked a shit-eating grin. Eyes darting making sure his escape route wasn't covered and that no one was near by, the silently walked up to the large building opening the door being meet with nothing but silence. He shut the door making to make a larger noise radiate off the walls than he expected, "It's quiet....--" He glared at the walls. "--too quiet." Just as he said that a gun was shut, turning his head catching the bullet in between his ring finger and his middle finger. Seeing a tall blond haired man with a cigarette dangling from his mouth the boy quickly took cover. "Damn..." He pulled out his pistol quickly loading it, out of the corner of his eyes he saw a blurry red headed figure zoom by on the second floor. Standing up launching his bullet by simply moving a finger the bullet missed the target by an inch. Groaning in annoyance the boy looked around for the shitty brat. He heard tiny feet along with a heavy-- something... here came a boy with two red berets and a giant barrel. He younger boy chucked the large wooden cylinder across the room as the stoic Shota male jumped over it leaping off the side of it tackling the boy. Standing up with him holding a gun to his head, "Any of you make a move, the boys nothing but gone." He spoke raging in anger. For him and his boss's plan has so far failed, the door opened...

"Terribly sorry for the wait." The accented voice spoke out. The boy grunted tossing the almost useless blond aside allowing the bigger blond to catch him, "You heard the plan. And now you put all these butlers to work. You have a red head girl with a sniper riffle. A giant blond headed Bigfoot whom welds a shotgun thus they used in battles or wars, and a yellow stick that has super strength. Womderful." The shorter male grimaced realizing that the shorter blond headed boy was taller than him. "What a pain, and I thought I actually would be able to kill this annoying Phantomhive-brat.." The 16 year old adjusted his big black bulky glasses fixing his skinny jeans. "How nice, we have a party." And like that.

The fight started.

-tiny time skip brought to you by Subway XS-

The much taller Butler pinned the boy the the floor with his foot on his back, multiple shot wounds along with fork marks layed across his petite form. He panted out breathless. "Guessing now that I just realized the chances that you kept my boss alive is zero. So you killed him." He guessed intelligently. The Butler smirked and chuckled, "I'll let young master answer that." The feminine boy let out a gasp as he was flipped over on his back and yanked up by the hair, only to be meet with an eye patched boy.

'This shit isn't good..' The smol' male thought..

"Looks like you've been caught..." The tea drinking male quirked. Damn...


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