Chapter 2: Long time no see!

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September has finally come and unluckily for all, it's Friday the 13th. Like most of the human race, I am also hoping that I will not catapult into a bowl of mayonnaise.

I stumble as I wear my designated shoes in a quiet manner hoping that no soul can hear me. I swing my leather knapsack over my shoulder and try to keep an eye out for Mr. Takashi.

It might not be a good idea to walk to school considering it's World Un-lucky day, but hey! I don't care anymore.

Then I step outside. My joy was cut short when I hear the click of our car door. "Are you ready, ma'am?" Mr. Takashi smiles warmly as he holds the door open.

"Actually, I was planning on walking to school today." I shoot a smile. "It is a nice day after all." I lie through my teeth.

"Ma'am I don't think that's a good idea." He frowns a little.

"B-but.." I stammer. "Come on, I promise I'll be careful." I try to persuade him while doing cutesy gestures. 

"All right, ma'am. Just be careful." he makes an 'I-don't-want-you-to-get-into-any-trouble' look while the car door is still wide open. I jump out of happiness; I beam at him and after waving at Mr. Takashi, I start walking.

The sun greets my face as I walk past the gate and I hear someone calls my name "Tomo-chan!" 

Seeing Nana, Momo and Shinji first feels really great. Despite it's the World Un-lucky day, I feel like my day will be wonderful if I'm with them.

Momo-chan puts her arm around my shoulder and asks  "How's your day so far, Tomo-chan?"

"I feel great" I smiled. "It's Friday the 13th yet you aren't scared that something bad will happen? Hmmm..." Nana was puzzled, thinking on how should I react to this day.

Anyway, we gossip blah blah blah and the bell rings all of a sudden. "We're going to be late, run!" I shout as I run after them.


We were laughing while opening the door then I jolt when my eyes meet someone's eyes standing by the chalkboard, it's a new guy. I awkwardly walk past by him when they friendly wave at him.

I sit on my seat and take out my favourite book. I let myself imagine the story as if I am the main character there so that no one can interrupt me.

Our class adviser comes in and all of us go to our designated seat and says "Class, quiet. We have a new student here." "Please introduce yourself." 


I was interrupted when my teacher begins to play with his teacher's stick so, I decided to lend my ears to the guy.

"Konnichiwa minna-san! Boku wa Lee Jeno desu, you can call me Jeno." he just introduces himself but some girls in our class scream so hard as if he's a celebrity.

Then the teacher says "Thank you, please take your seat between Tomoko and Momoko, Jeno-san"

I gaze at him until he takes the seat between me and Momoko. He doesn't even look at me at least once, what a boring guy. I pout and glare at the back of his head.

All I want is to be friends with you. Your loss, dude.


While Jeno is taking a seat between me and Tomoko, I was thinking to talk to him.

I muster up my courage to talk to him and say "Hello Jeno! I am Fujiwara Momoko, but you can call me Momo." Making a friendly impression.

Then he responds with a smile "Nice to meet you!" 

I ask "So ... Do you like here so far?" While I rest my face on my hand, I can see my little friend there pouting and glaring at Jeno after he ignored her. "Aww, she's upset. She just wants to be friends with him." thinking about it, it's cute.

"Hmm... I like to be here, but I haven't made any friends," he frowns a little

I smile at him and say, "I'll help you."


Just then, the bell rings. It's lunch time!

I stand from my seat and when I was about to walk out from the room, someone grabs my wrist and makes me turn around.

Imagine it as if this is a movie, that slow motion turning around and eyes meeting with a shocked look.

"O-oh... J-Jeno..?" I stammered. I was really shocked that make my eyes really wide like an owl's eyes. And then he said "Long time no see, princess" as if he has known me for years. 

Calling me princess and saying a long time no see to me. 

Who is he? Do I really know him?




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