Chapter One

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I strolled right into school, bag on shoulder as I said my hello's and gave a few hugs before settling down into seat. I started chatting to Chloe who sat beside me, her long hair flowed over her shoulders, freckles scattered across her face. She was so pretty, funny and kind, in other words my best friend.

"Who's that??"

I abruptly turned my head round only to find a boy leaning over one of the tables chatting to some girls and making them blush. He has dark chocolate brown curly hair, quite tall for his age, and he is very attractive to say the least but you could tell he has quite a cocky bad boy side as soon as you saw him. I hated that!

"I don't know clo."

"Ooo Emily he's cute."

"Yh I guess so." I vaguely said.

"Oh Em maybe we'll find out who he is now."

She sat up in her seat and turned her focus on the boy that was making his way over to us. He walked with a bit of an attitude in his step, then once he was close enough to our table his large hand rested on the corner.

"Hello beauty's, I'm Harry, Harry Styles." I rolled my eyes at his cheesy grin, turning to my phone and flicking though instagram. I was not going to respond to someone I wasn't willing to talk to, but then Chloe did instead.

"I'm Chloe and this is Emily."

"Well aren't they to lovely names and for to lovely lady's." I scoffted at his choice of words.

"Sorry but I'm taken." Chloe said proberly already sick of him hitting on her. He then turned his attention to me after he got turned down by Chloe.

"How about you then Emily, what's your story?" I looked deeply into Harry's emerald green eyes and tried to stop myself from melting.

"All I know about my story is that your not in it." I bit back.

"Ooo feisty." He leaned in a little to close as his face was inches from mine.

"I like feisty." He brought his full pink bottom lip between his perfect white teeth and smiled as he did so. He then leaned off the table leaving me flustered.

"See you girls later, especially you." He gave me a wink and I watched him take a seat next to a boy in my class. Chloe's eyes then darted on me, her mouth was gapped open, her expression was priceless.

"Oh... My... God..." The words that came out of her mouth were slow.

"I know right, what a doush bag."

"That's not what I meant! He's gorgeous and just basically hit on you."

"Yeah but he's probably already hit on every other girl in the class as well."

"Well your not wrong there, but come on Em let lose and have fun like Neo and I."

"You and Neo are a completely different story, first of all you've been together for years-" But before I got to finish she was already speaking again.

"Em it doesn't matter how long you've been with someone for, you just need to let lose a little." She gave me a wink, not in the suductive way that Harry did, but in the cute way that she does.

Monday is the worst day of the week, after me and Chloe had our conversation about Harry we made our way to maths. The first crapy lesson of a crapy day, though I was just glade that Harry wasn't going to be in my maths class. He didn't exactly look like the top math set type, more like the I don't give a shit about school.


Once math was over me and my friends made our way to the next lesson, Humanities. Great Harry would be in this lesson and the whole way through maths I thought about it I don't even know why. I felt such irritation towards him, his cocky nature, the way he walked and talked with a big attitude, his husky voice and emerald eyes that made me melt. God I was irritated just thinking about him! But I know that isn't the only thing I feel of Harry something I couldn't quite put my finger on, though I pushed that thought to the back of my mind.

Once we'd made it to our class Harry was sat in my seat, it was like he wanted me to react.

"May you please move out of my seat." I said in a slit irritated tone. He turn't in the seat to face me.

"Oh but I'm so confutable, maybe you could sit on my lap so I don't have to move."

He grabbed my hips with both of his large hands and pulled me in between his legs. This action took me off balance and I fell on his muscular body, hands on his pecks to try and push myself off. Though he kept me there, holding me down.

"Let go of me." I snarled.


"Yes. Let me go NOW!" Frustration was slowly taking over me.

"Your so hot when your angry."

He went to kiss me but I turn't my head at the last minute and he got my cheek then grabbed my ass. I squeaked at what he did and tried to pull away again. No one had ever touched me like that before and didn't know how to respond other than to pull away, he was so irritating and annoying and, and, and just so arrogant. My hatred for him grew more and more each time I was around him. He then released his grip on me and moved from my seat, towering over my body as I stood my ground.

"See you later beautiful." Giving me a wink as he walked away.


Sitting through the whole lesson was like hell, Harry's eyes contantly burning on my body as he watched my every move. I could'nt event concentrate on what the teacher was saying so I kept on get told off for not listoning, everytime that happened you could hear Harry's deep chucle as I amused him. Even though Harry was watching me and I felt so uncomfortable I didn't want the lesson to end, because I would have to see him at break and then I would have no where to hide. But unfortunely it did end all to soon, and as I walked out of the class room someone grabbed my wrist, though saying someone was silly as I knew who it was.


I yelped out when the large hand that was once on my hip as it gripped tightly around my skinny wrist.

"Oh I'm sorry I wasn't meant to hurt you, just get your attention." The curly haired boy did look genially sorry.

"Well you have it, what do you want?" I said in a frustrated voice.

"To ask you out properly." I looked at him astonished, never did I think he would say that.

"So would you like to go out on a date with me or not?" His personality was like a bipolar's. One minute he was being obnoxious and then asking me out.

"Err... No not really." He looked surprised at my answer, he'd probably never been rejected before. It wasn't that I didn't fine him attractive it's just that I'd never really been asked out on a date before so I didn't know how to react.

"Wrong answer." He pined me up against the wall.

"Let me go right now."

"Not until you say yes." I made contact with his eyes.

"I'm never going to say YES!!!" I shouted making others look at us.

"I'm very stubborn, I could stand here all day. I don't mind missing a lesson but I think you might." I rolled my eyes as he was correct I never missed lessons.

"Fine I'll go out on a date with you."

"Good, meet me at the Escape at 6 tonight." He then released me from the wall as I gave him a little nod.

"But tonight is a school night." God I sound like such a good to shoes.

"Don't worry we won't be out that late, unless I take you back to mine." I shuddered at his words, making me freeze on the spot.

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