Chapter Two

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I sat at the end of my bed Chloe inches from my side, silence surrounded the room until she finally spoke.

"Are you really going to go on this date?"

"I don't think I have a chose though."

"I know I said he was cute but he's a bit forward and... scary."

"I don't think he's scary, just... different. A bit dangerous, but he's more annoying than anything."

She sighed "Trust you to not be scared or think he's weird but to think he's annoying. What are we going to do with you?"

I shrugged at her and forced a smile, but failed. I don't know what was wrong with me, I knew I had very strong feeling towards Harry I just wasn't sure if they where positive or negative. Either way I had to go on this date, the way he pined me up against that wall I guess did scare me a bit.

"Well if you are going to go on this date then let's make you look irresistible."

She giggled as she made her way over to my wardrobe going through numerous clothes. Shaking her head as she went along.

I didn't really want her to make me look irresistible, the words he said before still lingered in my mine 'unless I take you back to mine'. My body went stiff just thinking about it.


I stood there anxiously, I really did hope that Harry wouldn't turn up, actually I begged that he wouldn't. I checked my clock, 6:20, I think I'm just going to leave, I thought to myself. But then out of no wear his car pulled up in a space with him hoping out, a big smile planted on his face.

Harry made his way over to me taking long strides, until he was so close to me our chests were touching. I wasn't going to move back from him, I can't show that I'm scared.

"Are you just going to stand there starring or are we going to watch a film?"


The film that played out in front of us was a soppy love story that at the end would probably have me crying, I'm such a loser. Every now and then Harry would put his hand on my thigh or hold my hand and to be completely honest I didn't mind, though I thought I would. When he touched me it sent tingles through my body, good tingles, tingles that you get when you like somebody. OH MY GOD, was I starting to like the mysterious boy that is Harry Styles? Maybe?

The film was nearly over now and Harry had his hand on my thigh again though this time he kept on moving it near and near my crotch. I quickly batted his hand away before it got to close, this then made his deep chuckle emerge from that sexy voice.

Everyone then started to leave the theatre including me and Harry, as he held my hand tightly. Harry was some what possessive like that, the little things he did was portrayed that way. Like when we walked together he would pull me close to his side, and it's not like we are in a relationship or anything, like for gods sake this was our first date. But I just let it go after a while of thinking about it as we walked into the arcade. Wait what, why was we going in here for?

"Harry why are we in here?" I looked around the crowded room many people were playing various games.

"Well I thought we could have some fun by playing a few games, I'm great at Air Hockey."

"I am a pro myself so I doubt you will win."

"Is that a threat?" He came close to me his hot breath on my shin, inches from my face as I held my ground. I wasn't afraid of him.

"No, more like a promise." I smiled as I said the words hopping to push some buttons.

"Okay then your on."


"SCORE." I shouted a little to loudly. "What's that now, 9 to 3?"

"Yeah, I guess I underestimated you just a bit."

"A bit, mate I'm sweeping the floor with you." He laughed, smiling at me with dimples on fall show. God he was beautiful, with he's clothes adoring his body showing every muscle. I'd never seen someone so amazing and gorgeous before.

"Okay fine you are the best but I know something I'm much better at than you."

"Um, what's that then?" He moved from around the table to stand near me, he grabbed my wast. I was pulled close to his chest as our bodies fit together like a glove and a hand. Suductive words were then whispered into my ear.

"I bet you I'm better at kissing." The way he said it was a statement towards me. But before I could say anything back his lips were already touching mine. His tongue slowly made its way into my mouth, exploring the inside while his lips moved in sync with mine. I never wanted this kiss to end, it was magical, I couldn't even put into words how right it felt, how right he felt, with me.

Eventually he pulled away leaving me dazed in my own little universe that he was in seconds ago.

"Told you I was an incredible kisser." My mouth moved to say something but I wasn't sure what, though nothing came out. Then after about a minute I could talk.

"Wow I'm just... wow that was... I'm so..."

"Speechless?" Thank god he finished my sentence because I wasn't quite sure if it was ever going to even come out.

"Yes, speechless."


Another morning, another day, a day for me to see Harry. Ever since our kiss I haven't stopped thinking about him he's on my mind 24 7, though he was before. But now he's on my mind for a hole other reason, I liked him a lot and now lust was over powering me. Last night me and Chloe had been talking for hours about Harry. She had told me that she still didn't trust him and there was something that I need to be aware of. I took her advise because part of me felt the way to. There was something else about him that always drew me away from him and then back again, like a yoyo, but I had no control over it what so ever.

I carried on thinking over the feelings I had for Harry all morning, about our kiss, about the way he touched me, and basically the he was around me, very protective. Though before I knew it, it was time to go to school, time for me to face Harry.

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