Chapter Four

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"Harry." I was speechless as he lied there on the ground blood poured from what looked like his whole body. "What have they done to you?" I made my way to the floor next to him putting his head on my lap stroking the blood covered curls from his forehead.

"Emily... I-I won't let anyone hurt you." Each word that he said was filled with pain and meaning, I believed all of it.

"I know you will." I replied, holding his head with my hands. He was truly beautiful, just so amazing, I lent down and kissed his upside down lips and then lifted up starring into his deep emerald eyes. How could anyone so gorgeous be so deadly at the same time, such a person could not possibly look like this. Not only a few days ago I would repel the thought of me touching him, even looking at him in that way, I was scared of him no more than 3days ago. Though now look at me here I sat with his head on my lap as I stroked his curls, I must be insane, I had to be.

"Emily..." His deep voice whispered as I continued to gaze at him, a hmm can from my mouth as I lead him to continue. "We can't stay here forever you know. At some point we have to get up and get you home." I nodded at him in agreement and stood up, Harry then made his way next to me but not before a few grunts in pain.

"Come to my house, I've got a first ad kit there. I could clean you up." I suggested hopping he would come with me as I was really worried about the cuts on his face and probably other bruises on his body that I could not see.

"No it's fine honestly, I have to get home anyway and..." He just stopped mid sentence but I didn't question him on it just pretending I hadn't noticed.

"I'm not taking no for answer." I stood there while the sides of his mouth went up in amusement. "So what if say no again?" He questioned me. "Hahaha very funny Harry." I then grabbed his hand and lead him toward my way home.


I went to the front door and unlocked it with the key I had, opening the and leading Harry in I felt my phone bleep, I then pulled it out reading the text. It was from my auntie.

'Emily I've just seen you walk past my door and your with a boy!! Who is he love?xx'

I laughed loudly as we both walked into the house. "What's so funny?" He questioned me. "Oh my auntie lives a few doors away and she saw us walk by and... well... she wanted to know who you were." A smile then appeared on his face and he started to laugh uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just that... what you can't seriously tell me... you've never had a boy over before have you?" His question made me blush because it was true I'd never had a boy over my house, I'd never even kissed a boy before, well before Harry. "Well that's true" he looked at me in disbelief, "before you I'd never do any of this before."

"Oh my god, Emily. Am I your first everything?" He didn't need me to answer before he already knew that it was true. "Oh." Was all that he managed to get out.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up." I lead Harry into the kitchen were I got the first ad kit out of the medicine cabinet as Harry found a seat. I also got a cloth so that I could clean the blood off before finding the actual cut areas. I sat down in the seat next to him and started whipping away the blood, once that was all off I opened the first ad kit and decided what I need to use first.

"This might sting a bit." As I wiped the cut areas with a disinfectant wipe, I saw him grit his teeth together and his jaw tense. "You okay." I said in a sarcastic tone hoping that I would get under his skin a bit, just a bit. "Yes I'm fine." He bite back at me, I was getting on his nerves.

"Okay all done." I said putting something's back in to the first ad bag and then throwing something's in the bin. "Thanks for that Em, your the best."

"Yeah you well owe me." I said completely mucking about.

"Well I know exactly how to repay you." Harry came up behind me as I was putting away something's. He spun me round and pulled me up on the counter so that our heads where at the same level. His lips then crashed onto mine as he did so my hands came up into his hair running my fingers through it. I pulled at his curls a little making him grown, he must like that so I continued, pushing him towards me more and more. I wanted him as close to my body as possible, I want to feel him all of him, I wanted his large hands to explore my body. Harry then broke off the kiss making my train of thought break off to, his lips then moved to my neck, nibbling and harshly sucking until my skin became saw.

My breathing was becoming more heavier by every kiss that was planted on my skin, his lips were so soft. I then pulled off his tie, as it was just a clip on it came off quickly before I threw it to the grown. I started unbuttoning his shirt exposing his tanned skin, I felt over his pecks, for a 17 year old he had amazing abs. Harry continued suck at my skin, I was shocked at myself for enjoying this so much I've only known him for all of 5 minutes and all really I was falling for him to the point were I had no control over how I felt anymore.

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