Chapter 1: Roselyn

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I am running through the stubby forest when I trip on a great oak's root and hit my head on a stone. I awaken in a cobblestone cell in what appeared to be the 2nd demesion.
"Where am I?" I ask myself quietly
"Hey! Where am I?!" I ask and yell it this time, no one replies so I yell a little louder and shake the cold, rusted, iron bars with my pale leaf elf hands "In the name of my leaf elf brethren I demand I know where I am!"
"You're in the Hag's Rock Dungeon." grunts an Orc who has a nametag that reads "Vath Whiteflame"
"Hay big ugly!" I yell then instantly regret it
"If you keep speaking like that you will rot in here!" Vath says glaring at me
"I'll speak the way I-"I am cut off by someone smashong through the cell's back wall
((Sorry this is so short, and this is my first story so tell me if you like it and if so ill continue it!))

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