Memories with Water 11

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Mark nods as my eyes move across the patio to the small waves in the pool. "When I was little I use to go swimming all the time; I use to swim at least twice a day during the summer. All I can remember was that I always had stiff hair after getting out of the pool and my mom would always be upset when I would make a fit about not taking a shower to wash out the chlorine." Mark let out a chuckle and said "Well I didn't have a pool growing up, but I would run through the streams in the woods on my property with my brother. We would come home and our mom would make us check for ticks and bugs every time before we were aloud in the house, even if it was pouring." We both let out a chuckle as we both gaze at the pools surface that was lit with a singular light for night swimming. "Do you want to go for a dip?" He asks as he continues to look out into the distance, and not looking at me. I take a moment to respond and say tenderly "Actually that sounds nice." We both get up and before he could do anything, I ask "Should I go get my bathing suit or should I just go in or what?" He simply pulls off his shirt and dives into the pool, he breaches the surface of the water, wipes his face off and says "What are you waiting for?" 

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