1 - What Can I Do...

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*~(WARNING: OOC Mob up ahead! You've been warned! I heard the song Lotto by EXO and this came to mind for some reason?)~*

There you were, walking out the art building alone and heading off to where he knew you'd be. It was a spot he himself liked to go as well. A spot away from everyone's voice where they couldn't hurt you anymore.

Mob walked on over to meet up with his brother though his dark eyes couldn't stop from looking your way when you ran by. The scent of your peach perfume was enough to make his face light up. 

You were like a precious gem.

At this age he knew what such emotions meant, they weren't the best for him to lose control over.

"Nii-san? Is something the matter?" Ristu asks while walking up to his brothers side having finished his extra class. Despite being a senior in high school he was able to take a class here at the college for early credits.

Mob shook his head no. "I-it's nothing Ritsu."

Even after all these years girls still made him slightly nervous, why wouldn't they? Being an outcast seen as strange would lower anyone's self esteem.

On the way home he found his mind would wander to you like light drawn to the deepest, darkest, room. It was hard for him to keep concentrated on the conversation with his brother in the meantime.


The next day he again saw you heading off to your spot when some girl grabs your wrist roughly making you flinch. He could see some words being exchanged though none could be heard. What was seen was the pain on your face as you rip your arm away and run off.

His mind paused for moments as his heart raced wondering if it'd be a good idea to go after you. You did look upset and he is worried. Sweat ran down his cheek as he threw caution to the wind and ran after.

Now he's not the most athletic boy in school, but those years spent in the Body Improvement Club did help him do better with endurance. At least he wouldn't pass out when coming up to your huddled form.

Mob walked up to you after catching his breath to which you refused to look back up at. "I'm sorry, I don't feel like talking much right now Mob." You spoke rubbing your arm which he caught looked bandaged.

He didn't like where that thought led.

"A-are you o-okay?" He asks.

You hold your knees closer to your body deciding to be honest and shake your head no. "Did you get hurt?" He managed more clearly.

You nod.

"Where?" Mob wonders kneeling down.

Sad (E/C) orbs look up and reach out pressing a hand over Mob's heart.

He blushed a bright red at your touch though managed a small smile. "I-I see..well um..." He dug through his bag and held a band-aid out twords you.

The notion got you to smile. "A bandage for my heart?" You wonder.


When you laughed softly he could feel his heart stop for just that second in time.

"Thanks, Mob. I..feel a little better." You hold the band-aid close forgetting what that girl had spoken to you. You're sure the art show will go well at the end of the week.

He wanted to hold your hand in his and never let go.

Your pink lips drew him in, hypnotizing the psychic who thought no spirit could control him. Maybe you weren't human? You had to be some demon...or angel.

Being around you was like being at the lottery.

You were a gamble he wished to bet on.

....and win.

Lotto (College!Mob x College!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now