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In 9:50***** I'm really exited. Tomorrow I'm going to a trampoline park with Dylan and BAILEY!! I think I'm gonna try and ask her out... but I've only known her for 2 days so that would be awkward. I haven't been writing much in this cuz there ain't much going on in my life right now, but i bet I'll get some drama I can write in here, lol. I just did the BIGGEST fan mail video over, it took SOOO long to edit, and even to open the packages. Earlier I was laying in bed remembering I made a Q&A video and I said I didn't care for relationships right now, but now I feel like I need one. But idk I'm gonna go make some fo....(tanner stops cuz of the paragraph below, and then it continued)od. I just stopped writing cuz there was a knock at my window, weird. Anyways like I said I'm gonna go(again stopped from the following)

(The following parts are happening in tanners life and it isn't
written in the diary)
There was a knock on tanners window and he stopped writing. He went to the window and pulled the curtain, there was nothing there. So he went back in his diary and continued writing. Then he heard his sister, Taylor, scream, Tanner ran up stairs to find the front door open and Taylor NO were to be found. Him and Taylor WERE the only ones home and Taylor was gone. He Ran down stairs to find his window open and he heard a creek under his bed and when he turned around a man dressed in all black was standing their, with a knife to Taylor's throat... he said if he didn't give him all his money, he would......

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