Chapter 1

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So can I get a window seat?

Don't want nobody next to me

I just want a ticket out of town

To look around and a safe touch down

Athena pulled her suitcase behind her and hitched up her backpack. It was finally happening. She was getting out of this tiny town and out to the big city. It was just her luck that her Aunt Mary needed someone to rent out a room in her little apartment on the south side of Manhattan. Though her parents weren't too fond of the idea, they gave her their blessing to go. She packed up what she could and scraped together enough money for a one way plane ticket. Nothing was going to stop her from this big adventure.

5 hours later, a sleepy Athena trudged through JFK airport. Her Aunt was waiting for her down at pickups and she was already 10 minutes late. She half ran, half walked down the stairs to her Aunt who was waiting. "Hello darling!", she said giving Athena a hug. "Hi Aunt Mary. Thank you so much for letting me stay", Athena said excitedly. The anticipation of getting into the city was starting to wake her up. "Well, I know you're excited so lets not delay anymore", she said taking her suitcase. Athena followed behind her as her Aunt waved down a taxi. Athena watched closely as she was going to eventually have to do the same. It was a lot simpler then Athena had thought. She piled herself into the car after her aunt as she was already giving the driver instructions. "So, are you ready for a new life in the city?", Aunt Mary asked. "I think so. I'm just happy to be out of such a small town", Athena said looking out of the window. The scene was something out of a movie. Small town girl coming into the city for the first town. The city was appetizing and Athena couldn't wait to dig in.

The taxi driver stopped at an apartment building on 93rd Street. It wasn't the fanciest building ever but it was nice. "So here's your key darling", Aunt Mary said handing Athena a key chain. "I have a meeting in 20 minutes but call me if you have any problems." Athena opened the door and took her suitcase out of the trunk. "Oh and one more thing darling. I forgot to tell you but you have a roommate! I'm sure you'll love her." Athena stopped. That was definitely not part of the plan but she was here already so there was nothing she could do about it. She faked a smile and waved to her Aunt as the taxi pulled off again. As she was walking in, she collided into someone. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry", she said collecting herself and her things. "It's no problem", the girl said to her. She helped Athena up off the ground. "I know this is going out on a limb, but are you Athena?", she asked. Athena turned her head. "Yes, who's asking?", she asked cautiously. "Oh I'm your roommate, April", she said holding out her hand. "April O'Neil."

Athena shook her hand and smiled. This girl didn't seem so bad. "Your aunt rented out the apartment to me and she told me that she'd eventually get me a roommate but I'm happy that it was you. If you're anything like you're Aunt, we'll have so much fun. But I gotta run! There's pizza in the fridge and my number is on the table. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything." With that, April hurried out of the apartment lobby. "Well this just got even more interesting."

After finishing up some paperwork, Athena made her way up to the 10th floor. Her apartment was at the very end. She fiddled with the key for a few seconds before she unlocked the door. The apartment was a lot bigger then she excepted. She pulled her suitcase in and headed down the hallway towards her room. She pushed opened the door to find a simple room. There was minimal furniture but just enough that Athena could still put her own touches on it. Her parents were mailing the rest of her things in the coming weeks. She was starting to unpack her things when she heard a big bang come from down the hall. She stopped immediately and went to go make sure the door was locked. When she got there, she heard another bang. This time, she could hear that it was closer then she thought. It was only about two doors down. When she peaked her head out, she saw that the door was slightly ajar. "It's nothing Thena, just leave it alone", she told herself. However, curiosity crept right in and she slinked out of the room and towards the door. She pushed it open fully without making too much noise. This apartment was a complete mess. Glass was strewn everywhere and furniture was turned upside down. "Good gracious", she whispered as she entered the living room. It was just as messy. Also, it was occupied. It was occupied by something or someone that Athena could barely wrap her mind around. A scream formed her in throat but she stuffed it down as she hid behind the couch. She drew her phone from her pocket and peaked up. The large figure was coming towards her but that didn't stop her from flashing a picture. The flash on her camera blinded him for just the perfect moment so she could escape. She hurried out of the apartment and back into hers. She shut the door and locked it before running back to her own room. She locked that door as well and sunk down to the floor taking deep breaths. "Welcome to New York."

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