I am Jojo queen. i have red haired hair and blue eyes like my brother. I have short and fat but I can run fast. I am faster than wind. Whoosh.
did I mention I have a slut. my sister is such a slut whore. Slutty bitch always fucking guys and girls cause she don't give a fuck if they have a dick or a vagina.
my slut also likes my brother. he's her m8 as well. idk how that happens but I must fight her if I want my brother.
He is so hot... especially in his werewolf form. Bright pink fur with red near his dick. man how I long to suck his dick with my werewolf teeth. nom nom nom 😋
When In his human form he has brown bed hair and blue eyes. I think he has a big dick. I've only ever stuck a peek at night when it was dark.Anyway I slept in today and my brother knew. He stormed up to my room with a silver nife. He carved FATASS into my stomach. It hurt so baded I passed out.
I woke up a bit later and washed myself off. I will now forever have the work FADTASS carved into my stomachZ I still ily him tho.
I run down the stair s and trip over my own freakishly long toe. I quickly get up hoping my m8 doesn't see me fail.
He does.
he slaps me in the face and drags me by long toe up to my room in the basement.
I think he broke it.
He lays me down on my bed and toes me to the bed. He opens my legs wide. this is what I've been waiting for.
no. not this. He grabs out the silver nife and starts mutilating my generals. he leaves swiftly licking the blood off the nife.
I scream in pane before passing out.
I wake up and hear moaning. From the next room. I recognise the moans. One is from my sister and the other is my brother
I get up. I am already healed. I slowly walk to the room and throw open the door.What I see next shocks me.what I do nex shocks me even more. I slowly and painfully shape shift into a Pegasus and chafe at my sister.
The bitch shape shifts into a dragon. I have challenged her to a dual over my brother
The slut breathes fire at me and it hurts but I fly away.
She follows me.i forgot dragons could fly. I fly away as far as I can. We fly for three weeks without stopping until I fall from hunger. My inner wolf doesn't like that.the glut stays in the air laughing before flying home. She one and I am dead. The bitch doesn't deserve my m8. J don't deserve to die.RIP
Soz guys this is short but all good things must come to an end
Soz if this was a bit much with all the midi laying and sex.
Hopefully you guys like d it and will check out my other projects.👋🏼 bye...