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According to recent studies the rate of bullying has become more frequent among today's younger generation especially in school and online. I personally have experienced this and it isn't the best feeling hearing what others have to say about you. 


Ways to stop bullying:

↠Tell someone you know can help you.
Sometimes we need to acknowledge that there are people there for us who can actually help us. Parents, teachers or even friends can help you stop the bullying quickly.

↠Fight back.

Show the bully that they aren't getting to you, talk back and stand up for yourself. Don't let the bully push you around because you are stronger than that.

↠Ignore it and walk away.
In some situations the person bullies for a reaction or to make themselves look good. If you ignore what they are doing they will get the idea that what they are doing isn't affecting you.

↠Online websites.
If these things don't work there are always online websites that are also free that can actually help you with your problem. You can message them saying what your situation is and they will tell you what they recommend on doing.

↠Stay positive.

Remember that everything the bully says isn't true and only the positive things you think about yourself are.


R E M E M B E R :

↠Don't think it is your fault.

↠Don't bully the other person back.

↠Don't keep it to yourself.

↠Never hurt yourself. You don't deserve it.


My Story:

A couple of years ago I was bullied by someone whom I called a best friend, about something that made me who I was. Knowing your so called best friend is secretly stabbing you in the back and saying things about you, absolutely hurts because you put so much trust into a person and expect better from them.

Then for that person to blame every single one of their bad doings on you, playing the victim, having other people you trust turn against you and coming home crying all hurts even more

It truly does but it doesn't mean that should stop you from living your life to the fullest. 

To overcome the situation I confronted my 'best friend' about her actions and when she denied everything I asked the people I trusted and they confirmed everything. My mother ended up sorting things out but I know I was lucky in my situation.

Other people who are going through similar situations aren't able to go up to their parents and let them sort it out. That is what kept me going, knowing that there was always a way that things could have been sorted out.

And that is what should keep YOU going.


I really do hope that helped you in some way, I just put down what I thought would work in different situations and what worked for me. If there is anything that you would like to add make sure to let me know. 

I also wanted to tell you that there are other books and accounts dedicated to bullying completely. If you didn't find this chapter helpful make sure to check those other things out, they would probably help out quite a bit more than me.

Send me any ideas for parts in this book! 

Much love x

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