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Depression can make you feel sad, moody or low from time to time, some people experience these feelings during immensely long period of time (weeks, months or even years). Sometimes people may experience depression for no apparent reason. Depression is more than just a 'mood swing' or a 'low mood', in fact it is a serious condition that affects people's physical and mental health.


What are some types of depression?

↠Major depression

↠Minor depression


↠Major depression

Symptoms and Warning Signs: 

↠Loss of interest or pleasure in activities

↠Weight loss or gain

↠Trouble getting to sleep or feeling sleepy during the day

↠Feeling restless, agitated, sluggish and slowed down physically or mentally

↠Being tired and without energy

↠Feeling worthless or guilty

↠Trouble concentrating or making decisions

↠Thoughts of suicide


! Minor depression does have similar warning signs and symptoms to major depression. Minor depression is pretty self explanatory, it's the same as major depression but on a smaller scale !


Dealing With It:

↠Reach out and stay connected to supportive people

↠Do things that make you feel good

↠Keep moving during the day- try not to sit for more than an hour

↠Get a daily dose of sunlight

↠Challenge negative thinking

↠Seek help online with websites or go to a doctor


Real Life Stories:

Someone I know has been going through depression for a long time, their father cheated on their mother and left the country. He hasn't talked to him in many years and I think that has fueled him to feel depressed. 

He gained a lot of weight and we wouldn't see him for long periods of time and whenever we did he would never talk and would be withdrawn. 

Not too long ago we would see the difference, he would communicate with others way more and lost the weight. This wouldn't have happened if someone didn't confront him about their worries.

I hope that he fully gets better soon, it hurts knowing that you aren't able to help others knowing what they are going through.


Again, really sorry I haven't updated in a while. Lot's of stuff happening in my life at the moment. I have many things planned for this campaign so don't think I have forgotten about it, it's literally on my mind so often it kills me not being able to be active on it.

Fingers crossed that helped in some way, again if any of the information is wrong or misleading make sure to tell me so I can fix it up. Also there are other accounts dedicated to these topics so make sure to search them in the search bar if you need some more advice.

Remember that if you would like me to make a chapter dedicated to something you need help on to personally message me or leave it in the comments!



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