The entirety of BloodClan sat amidst the Fourtrees under an open full moon. Feathertail was giving her thick light gray tabby pelt a few last licks before the Reaping began. Though apprehension prickled down her spine, it was just another day to her... Soon, twelve unlucky cats would be chosen, then the rest would head back to their muddy home and horrid lives...
Ashfoot and Rainwhisker sat beside the young she-cat. Underneath the huge trees at the front of the crowd Tabby, Brambleclaw, and Jaggedtooth were together in a line, backs straight and faces expressionless. Even though Brambleclaw was bulky with muscles, Jaggedtooth towered over him. The large ginger tom may have been huge but he wasn't much for brains.
Poison and Ice had their heads down with Lostface, Blackfoot, and Crowfeather. The handsome black tom turned to scan the crowd with his blue eyes glinting in the moonlight. Though she couldn't read Crowfeather's expression, Feathertail's face grew hot when they briefly met eyes.
"Back when there were four Clans, Gatherings would be held here." Ashfoot murmured in Feathertail's ear.
The light gray she-cat tipped her head to the side, glancing around at the huge clearing. "A gathering? Did they all have a mass fight or something? I thought they couldn't engage with different Clans!"
Rainwhisker and Ashfoot let out a low purr. "It was more of a gossip gathering in my eyes." Rainwhisker's whiskers twitched with amusement.
The sound of paws padding in behind them made Feathertail whip around. She spotted Sootfur, Rainwhisker's hot headed brother, heading toward them. The gray tom dipped his head to the other two warriors before laying eyes on the young she-cat, "Hello, Feathertail." He purred, puffing out his chest while his amber eyes had a glint of lust.
Feathertail rolled her eyes and spat confidently, "Say another word and I'll tear your ears off!"
The tom still had a smirk on his face as he plopped down beside his dark pelted brother.
At the back of Fourtrees, Onewhisker was sitting close to his three kits. Heatherpaw was huddled under her father's front legs while Coldpaw and Haypaw sat with their chins high. The three apprentices were small and tufts of kit-fur still thickened their pelts; they were no more than five moons old. Feathertail wondered if it were different when the four Clans ruled on their own. She had been born not long before BloodClan took over.
Only a few tail-lengths away from Onewhisker sat the remaining apprentices. Deathpaw and Hawkpaw were spitting at each other in a circle, the fur on their haunches sticking up and eyes round with rage. Silence and Icepaw were whispering together with their heads close while Bloodpaw, Dagger, and Mothpaw sat just behind them.
Among the middle of the murmuring BloodClan cats were Cloudtail, Graystripe, and Sandstorm, with the small elderly she-cat, Mousefur, at their centre. Sorreltail was nuzzled in with Brackenfur. Dustpelt and Frostfur were together with their ears back and narrowed eyes watching the BloodClan leader. It was clear the old Clan cats migrated to each other while the BloodClan cats mingled alone. Feathertail noticed even back at the camp the ThunderClan cats would stick together.
Boulder, Hoot, Flame, and Snake were purring together while their piercing stares studied the Clanborn cats as they waited for the Reaping to begin. Brick and Tess sat not far from them, their tails lashing across the dirt.
"This day never gets easier," Mistyfoot's sigh came from over Feathertail's shoulder. The pale blue-gray she-cat touched noses with her daughter and took place behind her. She had never met her real mother; Feathertail wasn't interested in finding out more about the story anyway, Mistyfoot was more than enough for her.
Feathertail let out a grunt, "I just wish that crazy cat would hurry up and get this stupid thing over with! I've barely been able to eat with all the training we've been doing."
Warrior Cats: BloodClan Hunger Games
FanficScourge ruled the forest ever since he had murdered Firestar in the Darkest Hour. From then on, he took over the Clans and created a bloodthirsty game that only the twisted enjoyed... Poison is the new ruler - after Bone died he became the deputy...