Chapter 1 - Her

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She's the one I need to keep. She'll always be in my heart. I'll never leave her. That's what I want to think. But things happen and something might happen to her.... No! Dont think like that dammit! You'll never lose her, she'll stay with you.... Forever.

'Good morning beautiful' David texts Lexi.

He doesn't normally get a respond until 9:00 am.

'Good morning, David. <3' Lexi replies.

Gosh I really need to take a shower, get dressed, and go bring her breakfast before she makes something. I don't have that much time I'll just wash my hair.

David quickly gets around and heads over to Lexi's apartment.


'Hey baby!' David says hugging her as soon as she opens the door.

'I brought you coffee and a biscuit.' Giving Lexi the bag and sitting down at the table with her.

'David, you didn't have to bring me breakfast I could've made my own.'

'I know but I wanted to surprise you!'

'Gosh why do you have to be such a good boyfriend?'

'Oh I don't know, because I love you!'

'I love you too!'

Lexi eats and goes to her bedroom to change

He's so amazing. I don't deserve him! He shouldn't be here though, he knows my brother comes everyday and he doesn't like David! Oh no. I have to get him out of here before my brother comes. He's such a jerk to David!

'Hey ummm.... so my brother is coming soon and..... you need to leave..... like right now for like 30 mins! Can you do that?' Lexi asks concerned.

'Anything for you baby.'

'Thanks. I know how much my brother hates you and I don't want him to get mad at you for being here.'

'No problem I'll come back around lunch time.'

'Okay love you!'

'Love you too. Bye'

Hey guys. It's me! Thanks so much for reading the first chapter. Like I said, I don't exactly have a schedule for this book, but hopefully I'll at least post once a week or so! Hope you enjoy reading my book. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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