Wait the girls are spies?!

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A man with black hair was sitting at his desk, looking at a weird group of people "Have you found the keys?"-he calmly asked, holding a locked old looking book.

"No sir...but we have located two of the subjects..." A lady with green hair and blue eyes spoke. She licked her lips and her eyes gleamed in mischief.

"Kyoka, don't speak of them! Especially that one" A man with raven hair and a scar going through his eye growled and emphasising on 'that'.

A young girl seemed to pop up out of no where, she had black hair cut into a bob and was wearing bunny ears and a lab coat that resembled a bunny, her name was Lamy. "Kukuku but they're such hotties Silver~ kukuku" she giggled in her own way. Remembering working on the 'subjects'.

"Hmmm...commoners stories are so boring..." Another lady, slightly shorter than kyoka says. She has black hair and purple eyes. And has a strange tattoo on her forehead. She closes a book she was reading and leans on kyoka. "Isn't that right kyoka darling...."

Kyoka looks at the lady with mischievous eyes. "That is correct Seilah" Kyoka says smirking and bringing her closer.

"Ugh would ya stop with the lovey dovey stuff, I already have to endure the noise at night you two make" another male said groaning. He had dirty blond hair that covered his right eye. Ears that resembles a cat can be seen in his hair.

"YOU CAN BE WITH ME JACKAL!" Lamy says hugging him.

Jackal got angry and tried to pull away from Lamy. "GET OFF!" He shouts.

"Where are the rest?" The leader says calmly thinking up a plan.

"Dunno Mard Geer-I SAID GET OFF" Jackal says still trying to get Lamy off of him.

Mard Geer slowly nodded. He thinks he has an idea..


The girls are sitting around at a table in their meeting room. They couldn't come up with a surprise for the boys so they thought to just 'appear' when the boys arrive.

"They're late..." Mira says, tapping her foot and folding her arms.

(What she's wearing)

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(What she's wearing)

"Well Juvia hopes the boys don't come any later, Erza is already mad, now Mira is too..." Juvia says, twirling her necklace nervously, looking at the two mentioned girls.

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