Look at me
And where I am
I know I'm different but here I stand
You'll never know who I am
For years I thought you were the one I needed
But know you can't even see the old me
I left behind
You made me lose her
Through days of pain and loss
You left me when I needed you the most
When I had no one
I thought I would have you
At least
But I was wrong
You left for so long
You left me waiting on you
So then one day
I just left
So one day you'll know exactly what it's like
To have no one
Just yourself to push you through life.
Scarlet tears dripping down
Each drop hitting the ground
Each drop sounds like a glass plate breaking
Each tear was my heart breaking
I can see the tears everywhere
But my face isn't wet
I can't feel a thing
My fate was set
You see
I faked a smile
And dried my eyes
I scratched my wrists
And bruised my thighs
The white pills were taken
The rope was tied
The gun was loaded..
I fell
And I fell hard
Why did he have to be fake
He got me
He said he loved me
I loved him
Or so I thought
I was so naive
But what can I say
I want to be loved
I miss him
I want his hugs
I want to see his name pop up on my laptop
Cutters Dreams
Poetrywhen you can look at someone and tell that they are hurting, then you know that they have been hurting a lot. When you don't have to try to write about pain, heartbreak, cutting, death, that's when you know you are hurt. that is when you have been h...