Good or bad luck?

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Yesterday I was on my way home, I was with my dad and damn I hate being with him. I only stay with him because of my lil-sister. I mean, neither dad or my sister's mother treat her with love, all the time they treat her like if she was an error. But at the same way, she doesn't treat them with respect her parents. Which makes me feel supper mad, because I know that specially my dad is making his best to change with her. He even naught her everything she wanted, and she didn't even said a single "thanks". >:V At some point I don't even like to talk with her, she's so mean, even when I just treat her with love she doesn't even cares. I got so mad yesterday that I started yelling at her "You say shit that your parents don't treat you with love, but you are a little bastard because every time they treat you with love you don't even pay attention, you are always on that stupid Facebook like if you even had friends. You say that you have friends then show them to me, I haven't seen anyone even like one of your posts, only your fucking family." She got upset, but I didn't even care (yeah I know I'm a bitch with no feelings) she started crying and I was like "Why are you fucking crying?! You feel upset now because you know how you treat yourself?". I still don't regret doing that.

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